
Sunday, October 30, 2016

October OMG!

I NAILED IT! My OMG for October was to finish the last three blocks of Christmas Favorites. And, yes 2 were ready to machine blanket stitch around the pieces before the month even started.  I did take all three blocks to retreat -- the two I had ready to go were finished.  I finished the piecing on the last block and got it appliquéd down.  When these three were "done" I went back to the pattern to see what else had to be done.  Hum, I missed 3 holly leaves on 2 different blocks.  I have several pieces that will be 3-D and can't be attached until after the quilt is quilted.  And, oops! there's some embroidery to be done.   

Despite those few things that need to be finished I'm calling my October OMG done√√√√. Here's what the three blocks look like: 

Hum, the poinsettia looks weird -- but it has 5 3-D leaves that need to be put on after the quilting is done.  Lots of the blocks have buttons that will be added then too. The HoHoHo block and the Mistletoe blocks have hand embroidery that needs to be done before the blocks can be put together.  Plus I have 3 holly leaves I forgot that need to be added to two blocks.  

This brings me to my November OMG.  Yep, you got it... I want to finish the blocks as detailed above and sew them together.  If I really stay focused I may be able get the two borders added too.  But my main goal is to get the blocks done and sewn together. 

Today we celebrated Ellie's birthday by joining everybody at an indoor play area.  The girls were happy to be bouncing in several big bounce houses.  Some of the grown ups (me included) had a great time with some air guns that shot soft rubber balls.  Sophie and I had a major battle for a while.  The girls were lucky to ride some bumper cars.  (Only Sophie was really old enough.)  Natalie and Sophie really seemed to understand the directions on driving the bumper cars.  Ellie didn't quite "get" how to drive but she moved her car around and actually bumped into the other girls on occasion. It was fun for all of us.  Theo didn't necessarily agree because he slept through most of it. 

After the time at the play space Kevin and Aimee took us out to lunch at a local pizzeria.  The pizza was good and was followed by cake.  Yum!  Thanks Kevin and Aimee for the fun time.  And, they were happy to give me the leftover cake. (It's something I seldom have at home but I do like it!) Here's Ellie enjoying her cake.  She thought it was yummy too. 

I'm linking up with Red Letter Quilts' October link up post.  Take some time to see how folks are have done this month on succeeding on their goals.  I sure hope Heidi plans to continue this program next year.  It has been very helpful for me. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. Great job on meeting your goal for October. I'm confident, the project is on the downhill path and will be finished by the end of November.

  2. Congrats on meeting your goal. Your holiday blocks are so cute. Good luck with November's goal.

  3. Congrats on meeting your goal--I know it feels so good!! It's such a cute project!


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