
Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Meanderings -- 12 - 19 - 2016

Are you making progress on what you need to before Christmas?  I finally feel like I am!  In pictures, rather than words I've finished (or almost finished...) 



And I got a start on the Christmas Favorites quilting.  Yikes, after doing one border and one block, I realize it is going to to take me a lot longer than I thought.  See all those strings hanging on the block below?  They all have to be hand tied and buried.  Yea, a little time consuming. But, I really like the stitching on that block. (Just a heads up -- I hadn't stitched all the lines when I took this picture.  There were LOTS more when I finished the block. Sigh.) And I don't think I'll actually get more done this week... but maybe since I really want to get it done this month.  

I'm still fighting off the creeping crud although I do feel quite a bit better.  But now Pat has it.  Fun times here!  I'm just hoping we don't keep giving it back and forth to each other.  Talk about a gift that keeps on giving! 

Here's last week's goals list.  I've given away the fact with the pictures that I got everything crossed off on the list. 

December 12, 2016
Send Christmas shirts to Theo and Ellie
Load and start quilting Christmas Favorites on the longarm
Prep and send Christmas Cards

And here is this week's goals.  Hum, looks pretty long.  I sure hope I can get everything done.  

December 19, 2016
Cross stitch
Continue quilting Christmas Favorites
Wrap presents
Get last-minute shopping done
Enjoy Christmas with the kids and grands
Embroidery a gift

That's it for me.  That's a rather long list of things to get done this week -- in only 6 days!  So I'm signing off after I tell you I'm linking up with Monday Makings and Main Crush Monday.  I'm hoping I have some time to do a little surfing this week. 

Also, are you a goal maker?  Check out the button on the upper right.  It's a linky party about 2017 Planning Party.  I will be writing a blog about 2017 goals and linking up with the Quilting Jet Girl's linky party.  Of course, I need to find the time to think up some year long goals.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I am in the last stitches of finishing up a hat too - mine is crocheted. I like the knitted ones

  2. Just finished my cards and put them in the mail this morning. I look forward to receiving cards, but I get cranky when they only have a signature. Whatever happened to writing a short personal note?

    The hats are adorable.

  3. The hats are so cute!! and good luck with all that tying!!

  4. Congrats on getting your to do list all done last week. Hope this week goes as well and that you feel markedly better soon.


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