
Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday Meanderings 12 - 5 - 2016

Here we are five days after my last post.  And almost nothing has been done!  And, I did not get to sing with the Spotsylvanians at one of our Christmas concerts. I am NOT happy.  On the other hand, I went to Pat's Virginian's show on Saturday and coughed my head off.  That wasn't any better.  Plus I had to drive home an hour plus afterward.  UGH.  Thanks for all the advice on getting rid of it but this cold is still hanging on.  Hopefully by Friday it will be over enough that I can sing and rehearse for 2 concerts on Saturday and one on Sunday. Ugh. 

My friend Dorothy asked if I had time to long arm one of her quilts a couple of weeks ago.  We were meeting at the local quilt store in Fredericksburg and again 2 weeks later in Midlothian for lunch and to attend Pat's barbershop chorus's Christmas show.  It worked perfectly for me.  I got the majority of the quilt done this past Tuesday and finished it up on Wednesday.  I surprised myself with my tenacity as I was coughing my head off and had a sore throat beginning Tuesday.  But I really wanted it done by Saturday so I kept working on it until it was finished.  

The rest of the week I pretty much vegged out.  I did go to Pat's concert but it totally wore me out so, nope, I didn't make it to the Spotsylvanian's concert.  But I took a great nap while he was gone.  I read a book or three this past week.  And, I did do a little knitting.  But not all that much recently.  Sigh. 

So, my goals list this week has a lot of unfinished projects on it.  The biggest disappointment to me is the backing is not done for the Christmas Favorites.  In fact, I couldn't face even thinking about it.  Ellie's Christmas shirt has not been done.  Although, I think I picked the thread colors and moved the file to my thumb drive so I can just start it and go -- if I feel like it. 

November 28, 2016
Load and quilt customer quilt
Make backing for Christmas favorites
Have lunch with Dorothy and attend Pat’s concert
Sing with Spottsylvanians Cough, cough – didn’t happen
Find Christmas cards and start getting them ready to send…
Embroider Ellie’s Christmas shirt nope, didn’t happen again.

So, what am I planning for this coming week... besides lots of rest and sleep? 
December 5, 2016
Embroider Ellie’s Christmas shirt
Keep knitting
Make backing for Christmas favorites
Sing three concerts

That's it for me today.  I need a nap.  You might want to spend some time looking at websites across the globe using these two linky parties as your guide.  It always amazes me all the beautiful projects folks are working on.  Click on the links for Main Crush Monday and Monday Making.  I realized last week that I forgot to actually link up with one of these gals.  Ugh, could it be I was suffering from a fuzzy head?  Probably. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Nice quilt!

    Sorry to hear you're still struggling with the cold, cough, and sore throat. I hope you are able to participate in the concerts this week, but don't push it.

  2. I hope you beat that cold ASAP--you've got better things to do--lol!

  3. Slow down and get well soon! Thanks for posting the pretty eye candy,too, but please rest up.

  4. Slow and steady wins the race. Sounds like you got a lot done, even though you didn't feel well. Hope you have a healthy and productive week. Merry Christmas!

  5. Hope you are feeling much better today. Colds are no fun and are even worse close to the holidays.

  6. Oh Sweetie! You are getting so much done! I've been sick as well - and didn't really rest as much as I should! Now? Bronchitis is my visitor for a bit. So I hope you rested. Hopefully by now you're probably feeling better! Thank you for sharing!


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