
Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Meanderings 1 - 16 - 2017

It's hard for me as a retiree to realize (remember?) that today is a national holiday in honor of a great man -- Martin Luther King.  He help change America for the better.  I hope his ideas continue and expand across our country.  Here's a King quote that really resounds with me.  And, it isn't too bad when applied to our quilting.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

With that said I'm moving on to what I've done this past week. I did get a baby quilt loaded on Ruthie and quilted.  I used Tangled Yarn edge to edge design and Connecting Threads' Essential Pro thread. I don't use much of Essential Pro any more but the color was perfect.  I love how it turned out.  Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the finished quilt before I donated it through Country Piecemakers to St. Francis Hospital's Nicu. 

Almost finished!  I added a black binding to finish the whole quilt off. 
And here's a closeup of Tangled Yarn.  I really like this pattern.  It covers the area but isn't very dense.  I prefer less dense quilting and this fits the bill. 

The jungle print was left over from at least one other quilt, maybe two. I can't remember if this used it all up or not.  You may see it again in some quilt down the line if it didn't.

I also embroidered my sweatshirt that I had been wanting to do.  I used Snow Baroque - Snowflake from Urban Threads. It only used three colors and I was very happy I had the perfect colors of purple along with white to do this. I had to lower my stitching speed to stop the thread breakage though.  I was using rayon thread and I think poly would have been stronger.  Even though it was way over an hour of just stitching time, I do like the end result. 
  On to my weekly goals. Last week I got so much done.  I'm hoping I am as focused this week and get lots of my projects worked on. Look at that! Every single thing has been checked off on my list last week. 
January 9th, 2017
Load and quilt one baby quilt
Knit on my UFO sweater
Embroider my sweatshirt
Prep backing for RWB Gems quilt

Cut out one baby quilt using the Go Cube

January 16, 2017
Load and quilt customer quilt
Knit on UFO sweater
Start emptying boxes in the unfinished basement & put things in new closet shelves
Put together pinwheel quilt
Load RWB Gems quilt

Not a bad list actually. If I can get most of those things done by next week I'm going to be doing a Snoopy dance for sure! 

I'm linking up with my regulars: Monday Making and Main Crush Monday. You know the drill grab the cup of tea (ok, most people will grab coffee) and spend some time surfing the web for wonderful quilt inspiration. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The purple border pulls that color out of the jungle blocks perfectly. Cute quilt!

    Love the embroidery on the shirt - well done.

  2. That is a really cute baby quilt! Can you tell me what the pattern is?

  3. Congrats on finishing off the baby quilt. The embroidery is gorgeous. Hope this week was as productive for you.


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