
Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday Meanderings 1 - 23 - 2017

Does this happen to you? OOPS!  This is suppose to be 2 pinwheel blocks.  Unfortunately I didn't notice it until I'd sewn the row together.  
And, yes, I did get the center of this top together.  It is another baby quilt that will go to a NICU.  I used the 9" Qube half square triangle die to make this.  When I make baby quilts I generally like them to be no wider than 1 width of fabric.  So 9 x 4 = 36.  I've got about 4 to 5" of border I can add.  Below I'm auditioning some of the fabric.  I do have a big piece of the print available.  But it is directional.  I probably have enough of the yellow, green, or red to use as a border.  

Any suggestions on it?  Unfortunately, I took these photos in the late afternoon.  And, today it is poring rain so there's no chance for better photographs.   I'm beginning to think I might put the extra print fabric on the back. Send me your ideas.  The border will probably be about 2" on each side.  It won't be finished this week because I'm heading up to take a class at Faithful Circle Quilters in Maryland so Sharon and I are having a sewing weekend at her house.


Here's my prep work for the Bargello class we are taking from one of the members.  
No, I did not sew all of these strips together this past week.  This is a UFO.  The best I can remember is it was started in a class in the mid to late 1990's but I can't pinpoint it any better than that until I talk with Sharon. She didn't take the class because she moved away for several years.  I've got four width of fabric strata sewn and some cuts already made.  Why I didn't finish this is beyond me.  Although I was working full time so that may have been part of the reason.  
It's going to be really challenging to re-iron all of the strips that have been cut.  The plan with bargellos is to have two identical strata and press the seams opposite -- one set of seams go up and the other goes down.  Then when you sew them together all the seams nest really well.  I'll be ironing these in between other things this week. 

I did really well on my goals this past week.  I was really energized and spent a lot of time in my studio.  

January 16, 2017
Load and quilt customer quilt
Knit on UFO sweater
Start emptying boxes & put things in new closet shelves
Put together pinwheel quilt
Load RWB Gems quilt√ quilting is started

And here is what I'm going to be working on this week.
January 22, 2017
Finish quilting RWB Gems Quilt
Bind black and bright colored quilt
Prep for the bargello class and attend it
Finish bargello top except borders
Gather all red, white and blue orphan blocks
Knit on sweater
This is a pretty daunting list, especially finish the bargello top since I won't have all that much time after the class to do that.  But I really hope to get to all of these projects.  

I'm linking up with the regular blogs: Monday Making and Main Crush Monday.  I'm going to spend a bit of time visiting various blogs this morning and then head down to the long arm. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I love this quilt. So bright and cheery. Perfect for NICU babies.

  2. I like the green for the border of the NICU quilt because it's so bright and cheery. Congrats on meeting your goals for last week and good luck with this week's goals.

  3. The green drew my eye more than the red. How about a 1" green frame and a 2" red outer border?

  4. Thanks for the giggle today Bonnie - yes, I've sewn things together wrong before. Me and my seam ripper are BFF's! LOL

  5. I think pinwheels have an attitude - mine surely do

  6. I love your pinwheels, and also think two borders will look amazing! I'm feeling your ironing pain, I made a bargello a while ago, and though a lot of work, and a little head aching, it was all worth it!

  7. The baby quilt is very bright and fun. Congrats on getting so much done last week. Hope this week is going even better.


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