
Monday, January 9, 2017

Monday Meanderings 1 - 9 - 2017

Yea for a week with lots of studio time!  Several days last week were spent in the studio and I have some proof!  One of my goals last week was to play with my Accuquilt Go 9" Cube.  Here are some blocks I made.

This was suppose to be Turnstile but I didn't follow directions well.  I can't decide if I want to keep it as it is or  take it apart and make it correctly.  It will depend on what I decide to do with my blocks.  

The Cube dies will make a lot more designs but I tend to make easier blocks so these appealed to me. I spent a few hours last night playing with these blocks in EQ 7 so hopefully I'll have a good plan by the end of the week. Yep, I'm starting something new.  But it should be a quick and easy quilt that will use fabric in my stash.  I'll keep you posted. 

Let's get straight to my goals for this past week.  On some goals I was amazingly successful but not at all on others!  Here's the scoop:
January 2, 2017
Try the 9” cube Go dies
Clear off cutting table Actually it’s messier now…
Pull out Gems – Red, White and Blue quilt and finish putting the rows together
Load charity quilt that Sharon and I made√ and I quilted it!
Embroider snowflake on my sweatshirt I picked thread but that’s as far as I got
Plan or choose a seasonal wall hanging Didn’t look at this at all

Here's what I want to get done this week: 
January 9th, 2017
Load and quilt one baby quilt
Knit on my UFO sweater
Embroider my sweatshirt
Prep backing for RWB Gems quilt
Cut out one baby quilt using the Go Cube

That's it for me today.  I'm linking with my normal Monday Linky Parties: Main Crush Monday and Monday Making.  Hope you have a few moments to browse these amazing blogs.  I know I'm going to squeeze in some time to look. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Cutting the block components with the Accuquilt Go would save a lot of time and give consistency: cutting is one of my least favorite parts of quilting.

  2. You set reasonable goals last week and you achieved them! I'll be interested to see your sweatshirt with the embroidery. I had to look up the Qube (that's hard to type). Now I understand.

  3. Yay for having sewing time! I have faith you'll knock several items off your to do list. Good luck!

  4. I also have the Accuquilt 9" Cube and love it! Your blocks are so bright and pretty! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Love your "playful" blocks. Looking forward to what you come up with them. I've been looking at the Accuquilt Cubes, I'd be really interested in if you feel it was a worthwhile purchase.


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