
Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday Meandering

We're almost done with February and I'm probably not getting my OMG (One Monthly Goal) completed. I only have today and tomorrow to put the inner border on my 16 patch quilt and make a piano key border.  I'm guessing the border might not be doable in the time allotted.  I did really well with my monthly goals last year but I may have chosen a bit more than I could handle this month. I won't admit defeat until Tuesday!  I might figure out the piano key border, or not. 

Today I'm sharing my RSC blocks.  I'm making a variation of a braid from "Braid Shuffle" by Karie Patch Designs.  So far I've done 4 blocks in purple and 4 blocks in teal, except mine is more like turquoise. 
  I haven't decided what my background fabric will be yet so I'm showing these on the white of the design wall.  These blocks will get trimmed down quite a bit. Here's the pattern I'm using. I'm tickled to be making this quilt now -- I bought it a year ago.  I do tend to buy a lot of patterns and then a lot don't get used.  Do you buy patterns and then let them sit around? 

Here's how I did on my goals this past week. Not too bad although I worked on most everything listed, some I just didn't get a LOT done! Oh well 
February 20, 2017
Trim 16 patch blocks & add the horizontal sashing
Make border for 16 patch
Bind pinwheel quilt
Knit on sweater I can’t remember if I actually worked on this during the week… oops!
Start on repairing crocheted afghan

Put more crafting/quilting items away in closet

And this week: 
February 27, 2017
Work on tote bag
Work on afghan repair
Make border for 16 patch
Bind orphan blocks quilt
Quilt r,w,b boxed squares top

Figure out project for March OMG

That's it for now. I'm linking up with Monday Makings, Main Crush Mondays and Scrap Happy Saturday.  Take some time to check them out. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Your "Monday Meanering " block colors look a LOT like my current project! ... great minds ...

    No, I don't buy patterns at all, but buy a LOT of books, totally for the eye pleasure - I seldom make anything from any planned pattern. Stubborn or stupid, not sure! Happy Quilting,

  2. Braid Shuffle is an interesting pattern, and you have a great start on the blocks.

  3. That's a pattern I haven't seen. I think it is a good one for RSC and can't wait to see you finish it! I buy more books than patterns because I think there's more value there.

  4. Just pretend you are the little engine that could and you can get your OMG done! I am just squeaking by too. Hope to blog it tomorrow if I can get a decent picture! Yes I have bought way more than my share of patterns that are untouched, sad sad sad!!

  5. Sorry about your OMG, but sometimes the quilt just isn't calling our name. At least, you are having fun with those Braid quilt blocks!!

  6. I didn't get my OMG done this month either! But there's only so many hours in a day. Love the braid blocks!

  7. That is a really cool pattern. It will make a great RSC quilt.

  8. You picked a fun pattern for RSC. Hope you were able to get a bit farther on your OMG project. Even if you don't get it done, progress is still progress.

  9. Do I buy a lot of patterns and then don't use them? Ummmm....yeah!! I guess I plan to live a loooooong time--lol! Have fun with your braiding--it's going to be pretty cool!

  10. Hi Bonnie, and welcome to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge! I love the Braid Shuffle pattern, and it should make a great quilt. I’m really looking forward to seeing that one develop. But I`m totally in love with the quilt in your header. Do you have a post about it that you can send me a link for? And the picture is glorious, too!

  11. I do like your RSC projects! I haven't crossed paths with you yet in the RSC linky (SO many now this year!) so I'm glad that in viewing your newest post I got a glimpse of this, and well, I have found a new love for purple and aqua (like WHO knew??) so I had to come investigate. :-)

  12. Teal or Turquoise? That is the question. Then there is aqua and cerise and cerulean. Whatever you call them your blue and purple blocks will make a lovely quilt.


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