
Monday, March 13, 2017

Monday Meanderings

The In Home Retreat came to an end yesterday about noon.  We had a lot of fun got some things done, me - not so much.  And, we're looking forward to our next retreat in May with Faithful Circle Quilters. 

MaryBeth asked to bring her TAPS quilt down so she could quilt it on Ruthie.  Of course she could after I got mine done!  Unfortunately Ruthie was giving us a little grief -- the upper thread was shredding.  After several investigations I figured out I needed a new spindle/guide.  I need to remember to order one soon although I was able to use a lower guide successfully. 

Here's MB's finished quilt.  (Hum, I'm still playing with a new light to provide better lighted pictures -- it kind of looks like the left white stars aren't white.... believe me they are all bright white!) 

Here's my TAPS quilt, finished on Ruthie before MB's.  I didn't have too much in the way of thread shredding even though I used the same thread. I got the first side of the binding on and Sharon is going to sew the back side down at home. That's why the binding looks a little wonky. (Thanks Sharon!) 

I was able to pull out my OMG project to get some color choice assistance during the retreat.  I'll be beginning the sashing for it next.  I'm looking forward to having it a top so I can start to think about how I want to quilt it. I'll be showing photos of it as soon as I get the sashing done, hopefully this week! 

Goals were missed this last week -- not all but several.  But I did come down with another cold that wiped me out a bit. I did succeed on a few things. 
March 6, 2017
Quilt and bind boxed squares
Continue repair of afghan didn’t work on it
Work on Tangram blocks
Make red RSC blocks did get some red fabric out for these but nothing even cut!

Enjoy In House Retreat √√

And this week -- 
March 13, 2017
Continue repair of afghan
Begin sashing the "A Tisket, A Tasket" Blocks
Make a block or two for the stripe challenge blocks
Figure out something to do with the Tangram blocks
Continue working on zippered bags 

Yep, I'm taking it easy for the week.  Part of that is I don't know what I want to work on next.  And, if I actually do the first four things I will be really tickled to finish them! 

That's it for now.  I'm linking up with the regular linky parties: Monday Making,  Moving It Forward Monday and Main Crush Monday (although it isn't up yet so I may remember to try again later or not...sorry!)

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I just love your banner photo with the gorgeous tree and gorgeous quilt. You've made great progress lately - beautiful patriotic quilts.

  2. Sorry you are under the weather. Hopefully you'll feel much better soon. Even if you didn't get lots done, hope you had a great time with your retreat. Both QOVs turned out beautifully.

  3. Both TAPS quilts are beautiful. Sorry to hear that Ruthie is under the weather. Hopefully the new part will be just what she needs.

  4. So sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Hope you get better soon so you can continue to create such beautiful pieces. Lovely quilts!!


  5. Both are great quilts! Feel better soon!!!


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