
Thursday, May 18, 2017


Sharon and I got to the retreat center right at lunch time Thursday.  Exactly when we could set up and get sewing. We packed fairly lightly and were able to put the pedal to the metal within an hour or so.

I've gotten a decent start on Scrappy Stars.  It's great not having to cut out anything -- I can sew and sew.   Sharon, MaryBeth, Nancy and I took off mid afternoon to find a fabric store or two.  The retreat center is in the middle of no where -- or so it seemed.  45 minutes later we got to the first store, Obies.  No parking so no shopping for us.  Luck was with us as there was another shop minutes away.  Zincks Fabric store was wonderful.  Much of the quilters' cotton was priced between $4.99 and $6.99 a yard. BONUS.  I went a bit wild although I had planned to add to the stash if I found someplace with good prices.  I'll share the fabrics in another post. 

From there we drove to Shady Maple General Store.  You walk in and see seeds, garden tools and the like.  But in the back is a pretty decent fabric department.  I picked up two cute prints off the flat fold table to make pillow cases.  

Next stop was dinner at the Shady Maple Cafe.  Here's a photo of Sharon, Nancy and MB with an Amish buggy. We saw a lot of these on the streets going to and from the retreat center.  We are having fun on the first day of retreat.  
Once we got back we all got our machines humming.  I'm working on the star blocks instead of the 9 patches.  Sharon's doing a cute little wall hanging, MB put the binding on a quilt and Nancy -- er, I'm not sure what she was sewing on but later she was laying out this quilt. 
Nancy talking with Linda about her quilt.

Stephanie was finishing up a Tumolo Trail quilt from one of Bonnie Hunter's books.  She is planning on using a dark binding and not adding a border.  Hum, do I want to make one of these quilts too? 
That's it for today at the FCQ spring retreat. I'm linking up with I May Have a Scrap Problem at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie


  1. Stephanie made a gorgeous quilt. What did you sew on? I love retreats!

  2. The minute I read "fabric in a hardware store" I knew you must be in Amish country. I look forward to seeing your fabric and projects. Have fun!

  3. I like that Bonnie Hunter quilt and have added it to my list to make one day (the list is getting kind of long)

  4. Nancy's project is beautiful and a scrap buster: I love it!

    Enjoy the remainder of the retreat.

  5. I love seeing the quilts you are making. Tumalo Trail Is on my list. I like Stephanie's version better than Bonnie's shhhh, don't tell. I saw it in mostly blues too which was nice.

  6. Tumolo Trail is on my to do list also. Stephanie's turned out great. Micki @

  7. Oh, gosh, I love that Tumolo Trail!! How am I just learning about this pattern? Glad you had such a fun retreat :)

  8. Sounds like the retreat got off to a good start. That Tumolo Trail is gorgeous. One more for the bucket list!


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