
Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday Meandering 7 - 24 - 2017

I was able to get two borders on Grid Lock which is exactly how many I had planned!  But boy, was it close on the bigger border. 
This is all I had left of the 20" of fabric I used for the 2nd border. I made the border the size that my fabric allowed. Do you ever do that? Size the border to available fabric?  I'm happy to report that the entire top has come from stash.  Now if I can just find enough material to get a backing from my stash I'll be thrilled.  

I turned A Tisket, A Tasket on the long arm and finished up the quilting.  Next up binding!  I'm pretty sure I've got fabric saved for the binding and I have the label already made.  (At least I think I do!) 

Once these two quilts are done I'm going to focus on the floral wallhanging and the new TAW. (TAW, better known as Trip Around the World.) 

I was surprised I did well on my goals.  I spent most of Sunday in my studio that allowed me to check off several items.  Here's the results. 

July 17, 2017
Sew borders on Grid Lock
Finish quilting A Tisket, A Tasket quilt
Keep working on the floral walhanging didn’t get to this
Hand quilt another block of the Civil WarQuilt making a little progress

Enjoy Natalie’s Birthday adventure

And this week I'll be working on these projects.
July 24, 2017
Make backing for Grid Lock
Quilt Grid Lock
Bind A Tisket, A Tasket
Work on Christmas TAW
Keep hand quilting Civil War Quilt
Do something on the floral wallhanging
Make a fabric box

Natalie's birthday adventure was great except poor Natalie wasn't feeling well.  For the most part she was a real trooper.  I sent her an invitation to meet me at the American Girl Store so she could pick out her own AG doll.  Mom didn't give her the invite until that morning when she also got some accessories for the doll.  We took her all around the store and introduced her to all the different dolls.  I thought she might like a doll that looked like her but in the end she chose Julie, a doll from the 1970s.  WAIT!  I lived those hippie days in California.  Well, no, I wasn't really a hippy but I remember all the events that were going on. Were you a hippie in the 70s?  Here she is waiting for our lunch reservation.  She was doing pretty well.  But as the day progressed she was starting to feel worse. 
I'd invited her other grandma to join us so Nana and Grammy (that's me) got her the doll and one outfit.  Lunch was at the American Girl Cafe.  There were little chairs for the doll to sit up at the table.  The goodies included a decorated pony tale holder, a tea cup for the doll, a tiara for both the BD girl and her doll and a new T shirt for the doll.  I'm sure I left something out. Oh yes a birthday cake with ice cream.  I'm sorry Natalie wasn't feeling well but she did really well considering how she felt. 
I'm linking with my normal parties: Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward. I really enjoy spending a bit of time surfing the links you see so many inspiring quilts. Sometimes there are tutorials and/or directions to make all sorts of fun things.  I know there will be some 18" doll clothes in my future -- I've already bought the book with patterns in it.  Christmas is coming! 

That's it for me today.  Time to get on with the morning. (Or spend a little of that time checking out those links!) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. How exciting for Nathalie to select a doll from all those in the store. The GA stores are nearly overwhelming, but such fun. Too bad Nathalie didn't feel well, but I bet her new doll comforted her as she rested later.

    I remember the hippie years, but the trend didn't really hit central Wyoming that much.

    Congratulations on your goal progress.

  2. What a treat! I often see grandmas and granddaughters on the commuter train with shopping bags from the Chicago American Girl store. You'll have fun making doll clothes....I wasn't a hippie, either, but I certainly remember the era.

  3. Aw, what a sweet birthday party! Too bad the bd girl was feeling under the weather.

    Yes, I size borders according to how much fabric I have on hand all the time! And sometimes I botch the calculations completely :(

  4. I had no idea such a thing existed! Cute post.

    Hey, I'm in western Nebraska - we barely have stores! LOL Elaine Adair

  5. Glad you had enough fabric for the border. I often size borders according to the fabric I have.

  6. Yes! I certainly size border to the fabric on hand! Is there any other way? ;P I was too young to be a hippie, but I did pick up on James Dean's Rebel Without a Cause! My poor parents! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Oh Yes! I have done it too, size the border to fit the fabric I had. Well done! I hope Natalie is feeling better by now. A Very Happy Belated Birthday to her!



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