
Monday, August 21, 2017

Monday Meandering 8 - 21 - 2017

Welcome to Solar Eclipse Mania!! 
Ok, so maybe some folks are into the whole eclipse mania but we're in the penumbra section. (Yes, fancy word that means only a partial eclipse.) I have approved eclipse glasses that I'll be taking to the stitching group up at the clubhouse Monday since our eclipse time will be during our normal gathering.  So, I'll stitch a bit and watch a bit and then get back to stitching.  I'll need to figure out where I need to be to actually see it too.  Should be fun.  

On to my regularly scheduled blog.  Here's a peek at some of the projects I worked on this past week. 
The Trip Around the World is almost a top.  I've got about 5 more strips to sew and then I need to sew it together.  My granddaughter Ellie (age 3, closing in on 4) said she wants this quilt.  And yet she really wants some doll clothes for her birthday. I think I'll be making some doll clothes for her October bd. 

I used to make Streak of Lightening quilts as baby quilts.  I'd forgotten how easy they are so when I saw this blog about them I thought I'd make another one.  I used it as my leader-ender for the TAW.  Yea, I know sewing the rows was way more sewing than your typical leader-ender but I'm happy to have it done!  (You need to scroll down the blog to find the actual directions.) 

Those were the two biggies this week.  Here's how I did on the rest of my goals list. 
Aug 14, 2017
Work on Christmas TAW
Keep hand quilting Civil War Quilt
Quilt geese and flowers wall hanging√ started
Make backing for floral wallhanging
Cut out a Streak of Lightening Quilt√ & main section is sewn together

Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish this 4th week of August:
August 21, 2017
Finish quilting geese and floral wallhanging
Quilt floral wallhanging
Finish Christmas TAW to top stage
Find backing for Streak of Lightening
Keep hand quilting Civil War Quilt

I'm linking up with my regular linky parties: Monday Making, Moving It Forward, Main Crush Monday and Oh Scrap. (I'll link Moving It Forward when I notice it's posted.)  Enjoy some time seeing what others are working on.  There is so much inspiration on the Internet.  

We had a couple of visitors at the house over the week. 
This little frog (maybe all of 2") was on the outside of the French door. I snapped his picture as I was bringing in the dog just before bedtime.  I love how it looks like the frog is on the chair! When I opened the door he hopped on to the side so I couldn't get a picture of him from the house to the outside. 

Kona (the black dog) had her BFF visit for the weekend.  Cassie's family was going camping and it was easier for us to have her than for her to go with my son's family.  Boy does that dog shed.  She walked into the house, shook, and left yellow fur all over the dark wood floors.  EEKS!  I took both dogs out Saturday morning and furminated them. They still kept shedding though! 

Safe Solar Eclipse Watching and Happy Quilting! Bonnie 


  1. Enjoy your 2.5 minutes to the max. I hear that all the birds are silent then. I will listen to our 85 % and watch the tv version. Love the bright colors of your SOL quilt. Keep up the good work!

  2. Great job on your TAW quilt. It's very pretty!!!! Did you start it for the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop hosted by Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict? I started one but soon fell behind and we all know what happens then. It's shelved for a rainy day and here in ND we are in a drought so not much for rain on the horizon.

  3. Nashville is in/near the top eclipse viewing spot. The Smores retreat is scheduled to start at totality. I'm staying home till it's over.

  4. Hi Bonnie,
    It sure looks like you had a productive week. I have to smile at the visiting dog - they both sit there so nicely. I hear you about the shedding though - whenever my sister's dog would visit during the summer I would need to vacuum after they left. I love your TAW - the fabrics sure are pretty. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I was late in ordering eclipse glasses but, whew, they arrived yesterday. Now I hope the clouds will break to give us a clear view!

  6. Your Trip Around The World just shimmers with good contrast! Good luck with the dolly clothes. How about a doll quilt?

  7. Love your TATW quilt!! Enjoy your partial eclipse!!

  8. LOTS of planes landing at the small regional airport this morning for eclipse viewing: my house is in the approach area. I hope the clouds burn off before eclipse time. My town is nearly in the middle of the totality line.

  9. Your trip quilt looks so beautiful! Hope you were able to see the eclipse. Here in Oregon, we saw it mid morning. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  10. Your TAW is really looking good! And the froggy photo made me smile :) Hope you enjoyed your eclipse viewing. We were able to see the totality during a brief break in the clouds and it was truly a wonderful sight.

  11. Your trip quilt is wonderful! Love the sweet doggies!

  12. Lovely (almost) quilt top. It appeared that the frog was performing for your furry audience :-D Did I say that your quilt top is gorgeous? Well, it is. Looking forward to the finish!

  13. Love the colors and fabrics on your Trip Around The World!

  14. Love the trip around the world.
    One year when we brought in the house plants for the winter we accidentally brought in a frog. My son said he spotted it hopping away at about midnight. Gave him quite the fright!



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