
Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday Meanderings January 22, 2018

I've finally recovered from my fun weekend with my sewing buddies.  We spent a lot of time hanging out in the studio and sewing.  This week, I spent a lot of time down there but I don't have a lot to show for it.  So instead I'm sharing bits and pieces of progress.  I've signed up to take Jamestown Landing with Bonnie Hunter in February.   I'm not sure why I signed up except she's a great gal to be around, I like her quilts and it will be good to get to know some of the gals in my new guild better.  (If you live near Fredericksburg and you want to attend check out Virginia Star Quilters.) 

But, do I really need another big quilt?  Well of course I do. We bought white bedroom furniture when we moved this last time. (Honestly, 40+ years with our original furniture -- we'd gotten enough value out of it!) I have several queenside quilts but nothing looks perfect with it.  So, Jamestown Landing got another reason to participate.  

Jamestown Landing is in String Fling by Bonnie Hunter.  I've looked at it many times but wasn't moved to make any big quilts.  But with this event I thought, why not. I already have the book.  I could make a dent in my fabrics (or so I think!)

But here is one of the BIG drawbacks

Yep, 840 half triangle squares.  Unless I decide to make it bigger....  Last time I took a class with Bonnie Hunter one of the gals had already started the quilt.  Hum, we wouldn't be getting a top done in a day with 840 of anything. So I decided to borrow from that gal's bag of tricks.  I've been making triangles for a month or so.  I even opted to buy the multiple Accuquilt die for the triangles.  I can cut 72 triangles at one time.   Here's where I am at with that. 

Yes!  I've already got 220 finished.  Here's how I keep track:  When I've made 10 units I then do a big basting stitch to keep them together.  Right now I'm storing these in a plastic box that scones came in.  At some point I'll probably have to find another box. I'm betting it will take several of them to keep the final amount together. 

I'm also making some string blocks.  I think this is a cherry tomato box.  It fits the strings perfectly.  I'm trying to keep my strings mostly whites with a few creamy colors thrown in.  I do like a crisp white and turquoise quilt.  I need to count and stitch these in groups of 10 too.  
I feel comfortable doing both of these blocks since I've taken a Bonnie class that used these two blocks.  I am looking forward to seeing her new rulers. 

My sewing time has been spent trying to get the quilts on my goals done (or at least more progress made.)  Check out how well I did on last week's goal.  The one thing I really didn't make enough progress on is the sweater.  It's almost done.  I bet if I just gave 3 hours of uninterrupted time to it I'd be wearing it.

I still need to sew the sleeve seams, knit the top band and bury all the loose yarn joins. I guess I'll make the commitment to actually spend the time this week.  I love the color of it and I like cardigans.  It's time to finish this one up! Do you knit sweaters? 

Here's my goal list from last week.  I really did move a lot of different projects ahead. 
January 15, 2018
Bind balloon quilt√
Sew together Alphabet Challenge quilt√ need borders
Put borders on 2017 Rainbow Challenge top #1√
Keep working on sweater (a UFO since the 1980s!)√

Keep working on half triangle squares√

And here's what's up for this week. 
January 22, 2018
Get borders on Alphabet Challenge
Make backing for Alphabet Challenge quilt
Finish up sweater
Make more half triangle squares and string blocks
Take small border off charity quilt
Cut out Taps quilt

That's it for me now.  Please take a look at the linky parties for Monday that I link up with: Oh Scrap, Monday Makings, Moving It Forward Monday, and Main Crush Monday. I'm off to do some surfing. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Keep making HST and it will get done before you know it!

  2. You might try the 8-at-a-time technique (Magic 8), too. With that many HSTs, the 8 identical ones will be spread throughout the quilt.

  3. Good for you to get a head start! I envy you getting to take a workshop with Bonnie H.

  4. Well, Bonnie Hunter always says her quilts are not a race and you are currently way ahead of anyone who hasn't started one! You are a lucky duck to get to do a class with Bonnie it should be a hoot --- get her to autograph a label square for your quilt for even more incentive to finish it!

  5. Woo, that's a lot of HSTs. Very smart to be working ahead! It will be totally worth it in the end :)

  6. I attended the Jamestown Landing class with Bonnie last year--so much fun. I also made almost all of the HSQ's ahead of time, but waited to finish them in class as Bonnie has lots of tips on cutting and sewing them. You will only get one block done in class. She has alternate instructions for assembling the quilt that make it a breeze, so don't start sewing those triangles together yet!

  7. Making HSTs is a chore for me - cutting, marking, pressing, and trimming. Eight hundred and forty is a LOT of HSTs! You're wise to start working on them.

    Love your sweater, especially the bottom band & the cuffs!

  8. Jamestown Landing is my favorite Bonnie quilt! I just used neutral squares, though - I despise string blocks.

  9. That quilt will be stunning! Good luck on those HST's! I knit sweaters, but prefer baby sized since they go so much quicker!

  10. Enjoy your class. I think you're smart to precut and sew some of the pieces, especially since you've taken a class with her before. How fun to have a new quilt for your new furniture.

  11. That is a lot of hsts. Maybe break it up. It really is a beautiful quilt.

  12. Goodness I think that number might make me faint! You are very productive though, great job. It will be a stunning quilt. And cute knitting too.


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