
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

One Monthly Goal Success!

Yes! I finished my OMG this month.  I wanted to get my alphabet challenge quilt top made.  Check that off of my to do list√.  It should get on Ruthie today as I finished the backing fabric also. 

And a close up of one of my favorite dog fabrics.  And, look closely at the white square under the doggy print.  Yep, a white on white with letters on it.  I got that up in Lancaster county when I was on retreat last May. It works perfectly in this challenge.  
This will be quilted with dog paws.  I've changed my mind (several times) about how I would get some words on it.  I'll keep you posted. Do you participate in quilt challenges? 

It's time for me to get to work here in the studio.  I'm linking up with Elm Creek Quilts and Mid Week Makers over at Quilt Fabrication.  Join me as I do a bit of quilt blog surfing.  I might find something new I need to make. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. You did it. Completed your OMG!!! Time for a happy dance. Love those cute dogs - they are just so adorable. You know, I have a few doggie fabrics but none of those are in your quilt. May be we should do a charm square swap :-)

  2. What an adorable quilt. The variety of dog fabric is amazing - nice job.

    No, I haven't participated in a quilt challenge, it it sounds like fun.

  3. Fun quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  4. Very, very cute! Congrats on meeting your OMG.

  5. Well, isn't that clever of you! Congrats!

  6. I really like that tone on tone white with letters! I'm always looking for fabric like that, and you really scored a good one. Very versatile fabric!

    I haven't done any challenge quilts and am just dipping my toe into quilt alongs :)


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