
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Weekly Goals & Stashbusting

Oh yea!!! I busted some stash this month! 
I bought a couple of yards to use in my Jamestown Landing Quilt -- all whites with either a little grey or light beige and white. And, I won some fat quarters from the guild. You can see why I'm using lots of exclamation marks.  This will probably be my best month of fabric going out all year. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

And, here's what's happening with my goals. 

February 28, 2018
Finish quilting Plus Quilt and bind it√
Finish embroidery and bind Alphabet Challenge√
Work on Jamestown Landing√
Design Outside border of Taps Quilt√
Make a pillowcase or two -- oops didn’t get it done
Work on T Shirt quilt√
And what I'm hoping to get done this week. 

March 6, 2018
Work on T Shirt quilt – finish plan, start backing ts and trimming to correct sizes
Make a pillowcase or two
Work on Jamestown Landing
Making blocks for FCQ Quilters
Load and quilt Taps Quilt
Attend USC Day of SCervice

I have agreed to make a T Shirt quilt for a customer using her incredible collection of shirts from University of Alabama.  I will be adding "Work on T Shirt quilt" until it is done.  I'm hoping to have it completed by May 1st if not sooner. Hopefully I can share some of what I do over the weeks.  

I'm linking up with To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, and WIPS on Wednesdays.   I'll link to Midweek Makers tomorrow. Take some time to see what folks are working on this week by visiting a few of these blogs.  

That's it from me.  

Happy Quilting All. Bonnie 


  1. My goodness Bonnie that’s a stunning back drop for your quilt? Cheers Glenda.

  2. You are so focused, and I am amazed at how you can track your fabric usage. Mine is so in flux. Almost 15 yards for just one month is wonderful!

  3. Impressive list and what to go on more out than in! I am challenged with that issue at the moment. LOL

  4. Yay for stash busting! And you have been busy! Wow! Thank you so much for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  5. You have a great workflow, and how do you keep such tabs on your stash? Did you go through everything and catalog it before you started or do you just keep a running total for the year? Either way it's going in the right direction.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.