
Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday Meanderings

It's nice to be home after a great week up in Maryland at the Faithful Circle Quilter's show.  The weather was spectacular on Friday and Saturday.  The crowds came out to see the quilts, shop the vendors and bid in the silent auction.  Although I haven't heard anything about the financial results all other signs point to a very successful show.  And, boy, Sharon and I were exhausted by Saturday evening as we worked all 3 days the show was open.  It takes a day and a half to hang the quilts, display the $10 and under sales items, prep the silent auction and get all the "stuff" organized for the yard sale section, etc.  But at the other end -- take down on Saturday is amazing. 

For the most part all quilts were taken down, folded, bagged and the the poles were down within 2 hours of closing the show.  I felt like a monkey running up and down my ladder removing quilts from poles.  But the section Sharon and I were working in was completely down and poles put away by the time we left at about 5:15.  (The show closed at 4:00. There were a couple more people working on our section.)  I spent the last 30 minutes or so taking quilts to folks who were busy working in other areas.  All in all, it was a great show; so fun for me to see friends I don't get to see often; and spend more time with my friend, Sharon. I didn't take a whole lot of pictures of quilts this year but I do have a few more to share that I will try to do later in the week. 

Do you like to support Quilts of Valor?  I do and sometimes I like to make just a few blocks, not make a whole quilt.  If you like that idea there is time left for you to contribute blocks to the current block drive. Go to Quilts of Valor to see the specifics on the 2018 Block Drive.  I have to say I've seen several blocks made up and I really like how they look.  Blocks need to be received in Texas by May 1, 2018.  They will be distributed at National Conference to State Coordinators based on the number turned in by their state.  So, even though we might mail them to Texas, they'll come back to our own state.  Here's the first one I've made.  I'm hoping to make a couple of more before Wednesday when our guild is collecting them in time to send out to Texas.  
The directions are on the web site.  Read them carefully because they have specific requests about color and placement of the colors.  I really like this block a lot.  They also give Accuquilt die numbers too.  I suspect I'll use this block again for some other quilts. 

I'm still getting some sewing time in on my Jamestown Landing.  Here's what my ironing board looked like after my last sewing session before leaving for Maryland.
Let's see -- finished string blocks, telephone book foundations, finished broken dishes units, string blocks waiting to trimmed and a few pieces to make into broken dishes.  Hum, that plastic container?  I had some nuts in it for a snack. At this point I don't have many more broken dishes to do but I do have another 80 or so string blocks to finish.  Ugh.  Not my favorite block.  Slowly, but surely, I am making progress on this quilt. Are you sick of reading about it yet??? 

Last weeks goals were done with one exception. Nothing more was done on the T Shirt quilt. You'll be seeing it on my list again this week. (And hopefully that will be the last time you see it on my list!) 
April 9, 2018
Bind T-shirt quilt
Continue to work on Jamestown Landing√
Visit Sharon & work the FCQ Quilt Show √
Stitch on little bunny piece√

And this coming week I'll be trying to get these 4 items done.
April 16, 2018
Bind T-shirt quilt
Finish little bunny piece
Quilt Braid Shuffle
Keep cutting kits for retreat*

*I'm hoping to have several baby quilts available to sew at retreat.  I like variety and have learned that I need simple things to work on that have already been cut.  I've got a couple of groupings of fabric for smaller quilts so that is what I'm working on.  

I'll be linking up with my regular linky parties.  I've missed spending time on the various quilting blogs so I hope to spend more time this week. Here are the links: Monday Making, Oh Scrap!, Moving It Forward, and Main Crush Monday that will be available tomorrow. (So hopefully I'll remember to come back and update the link!) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Obviously you and Sharon work well together: that's an impressive time for dismantling your section of the quilt show.

    I'll check out the QOV block drive. I don't know if I'll have time to make any this year.

  2. I love that Friendship star block! Enjoy your stitching time this week.


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