
Friday, August 31, 2018

August OMG -- Finished!

Yes, just in time I've finished my August OMG.  My stated goal was to incorporate most of the pieces into a bargello top. In hindsight that sounds a bit weird.  What it meant to me is I had quite a few left over strata for my bargello.  I wanted to make the top longer.  I actually did that plus I made it 3 strips wider also.  I wasn't going to add a border but I had a nice pink that definitely went with the other pinks.  Needless to say if I had wanted to go out and buy a matching fabric I probably couldn't because most of these fabrics were 15 years old or so. 

Here's the finished top.  
I'm sure the peaks and valleys could have been a bit more interesting but I'm thrilled to be finished with the top.  Hopefully I'll finish quilting and binding it sometime before the end of this year.  It is time to be done with this UFO! 

And a closeup: 
Hum, this top, right side seems to sway in a bit.  Hopefully I can alleviate the issue by better ironing.  I added 7 more horizontal rows to the original 12 rows. If I had been smart I would have added them before I sewed the top section together.  It worked by sewing the bottom section together and then adding it to the top section.  I believe this will end up about 41" square.  

Even though these are old fabrics/colors I still like it.  It will be hung on the rack over the fireplace for a month or so each year.  

That's it for me today.  I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts, Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop and Needle and Thread Thursday.  Enjoy browsing some blogs to see what folks are working on these days. 

Slight confession here:  I actually finished the top yesterday mid-day but I didn't actually blog about it until 10pm on 8/31.  Yikes, only 2 hours before the deadline.  But it did get done as did the post. Whoop! Whoop! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Nice finish and just under the wire. 😉 Looking forward to seeing your September OMG

  2. Lovely top! I've never made a bargello as everytime I look at the instructions I get a bit confused. BUt they are such striking quilts. I also linked up right under the wire -- at 11:45, actually!

  3. It looks so pretty! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  4. It's just beautiful!!! And the finished project happens to be many of my favorite colors. 8-)) Elaine Adair

  5. It turned out great! I love Bargellos :)

  6. Your Bargello is lovely and Congrats for getting it don!

  7. Very pretty! Congrats on the finish and on getting another oldie (but definitely a goody) off the UFO list.


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