
Friday, August 17, 2018


Recently I've not been getting pictures of finished projects.  So this week I made a big effort to get photos of 3 finished quilts that I was delivering to Virginia Star Quilters for our charity collection.  Most of them you've seen bits of as I worked on them.  

First up is a 25 patch.  VSQ schedules a bingo night with participants making their own bingo cards based on a list of possibilities from the guild.  The "cards" are collected at the end and made into a quilt.  I did not make the quilt; but I did add the grey borders to the quilt and quilted it.  I was given a big hunk of fabric for the back but there wasn't enough, so I added more of the grey to the back.  Voila -- on to the quilting part. 
25 patch - Quilting design: Puppy Paws; thread Omni grey.
Doggy fabric and grey backing.
Next up is a quilt that Sheila sewed together during VSQ's open sew for charity day last month.  It is totally flannel front and back. I volunteered to quilt it and bind it.  (What bind it?  Not my favorite job for sure!) 
Quilted with Ginger Flower using probably a beige So Fine but I didn't keep track of the information for some reason.
Last up is Boxed Squares.  I decided to try a technique for making framed or boxed squares using two squares to start with.  Go to Cluck, Cluck, Sew for the directions. I love the concept but I found my blocks were not consistent and they were running small.  So, some were made with those directions and others were made cutting 2.5" strips and cutting them to fit the blocks.  I liked the finished product either way! 
Boxed Squares, quilting pattern: Diamond Magic; thread: Glide burgundy.
Even in the above picture you can see some of the texture this quilting pattern makes. Below shows the texture really well. 
And, finally a peak at the backing I used.  It's always hard for me to find backings.  For the longest time I would buy 1/2 yards of fabric for variety.  I'm getting better at buying bigger hunks of fabric but I don't always have a something that goes.  Enter two collections of fabric I have acquired -- one from a friend who wanted to downsize and another from a quilter's estate. I can't tell you which group I got this from but I was happy to put it to use.  I was able to find a binding in my stash that worked with both the front and the back.  
I was laughing at myself the other night when I turned in all the quilts.  I overheard a lady say she liked this backing.  And, I'm thinking -- not my favorite.  But we all have different likes and I'm sure people will be happy to receive one of these quilts.   FYI -- I've just taken one more charity quilt off Ruthie.  It's waiting to be bound but also will be donated to VSQ's collection for seniors in our area. 

Happily, I've figured out some different locations for taking quilt pictures. The top two pictures were taken on the deck of our community club house.  And while taking them I realized the gazebo on the grounds might also make a good backdrop or maybe the tennis courts... lots of different places around the community too.  Hum, I wonder if the sales office would allow me to take photos in the models??

The rest of the pictures were taken in our small backyard.  The wrought iron fence is protecting the stairs going into the basement.  The same basement where my studio is.  When I sit at my sewing machine I am looking up those stairs.  I have a bird feeder hanging on a pole next to one side so I can enjoy some of the birds that flutter around.  It supplies a surprising amount of daylight too.  

I'm linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday, Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop?, and Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  Hope you can spend some time and see some great quilting going on! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Wonderful quilts. I especially like the boxed squares. Can you tell us more about the Bingo game, always looking for new ideas for guild. Thanks

  2. The quilting texture on Boxed Squares is stunning. If I find a great deal on fabric, I usually purchase 5-6 yards for backing; although I do like using wide backs, too. Reading this post, I realized I need to find somewhere in my new apartment/community to photograph my quilts.

  3. All lovely finishes and I’m sure the recipients will love them! Thank you for linking up at TGIFF!

  4. All these quilts look so great! Lots of yummy texture from your quilting. So true about everyone having different tastes and favorites in the fabrics! That's what makes charity quilting fun for me. You just never know who will love the end product :)

  5. You've got a fun set of finishes this week. The new quilting motif worked out really well on those boxy blocks.


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