
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Monday Meanderings 9 - 10 - 2018

Ok, this past week zoomed by in a blur!  And, boy did that blur mess up my stitching time or so it seems.  I also decided I won't be doing a One Monthly Goal this month.  I kept trying to think of an easy, fast project and the next thing I knew I had missed the deadline.  That's one way of making a decision! 

Here's the good news though.  My Jamestown Landing quilt top is finished!  YEE HAW!  I need to find the backing and then it is going on Ruthie and getting quilted asap!  I hope I can get it on Ruthie within the week.  It may not get finished right away but I sure hope I can start it right away! Here's the left side... 

...and the right side of one end. Both of these pictures were taken while the quilt was hanging over the rails of Ruthie, the long arm. 

I did make a practice block for another quilt. I have acquired a few jelly rolls and charm packs over the years.  So I decided to see what block I could make using one of the charm packs.  It was really a half charm pack with somewhere around 20 to 25 charms.  Wonderful size for a baby quilt or possible a quilt for a child.  I decided to try a friendship star block.  Here's my sample block. I think it will finish at 9".  

I bought the darker blue in Lancaster a couple of years ago.  The background is a very light grey that I used to make Theo's quilt.  I may have to find more of it or something pretty similar.  I'll have to figure out how many charms I have.  Both the background fabric and the half triangle squares were cut with my Accuquilt Go.  (It's always nice to use dies I already have!)  This will be cut out in time to make at my retreat early in October.  Yea!  I have another idea of a project to work on then but have to plan it out a bit still. 

I wasn't too successful on my goals this week.  On the other hand I was out and about quite a bit.  Here's last weeks results. 

September 3, 2018
Review all UFOs and update spreadsheet√ started
Finish Jamestown Landing borders and apply √ YEA on to the quilting!
Prep for class in mid Sept oops!
Figure out how to enlarge purse pattern & get started on it oops again
Finish cutting pieces for Pirate Quilt
Finish knitting on my sock ... it's the second one and halfway done Ok, some more knitting was done but not finished yet

September 10, 2018
Continue reviewing UFOs and updating spreadsheet
Prep for class in mid September 
Figure out how to enlarge purse pattern and get started!
Knit on sock 
Make a pillowcase 

Pat and I had a great time watching Ellie and Theo so that Kevin and Aimee could go out for their 7th anniversary this weekend.  It worked out pretty well as they decided to go out for an activity and then go to lunch.  We played with the kids in the morning and then they both took naps.  So Peka and Grammie weren't completely exhausted... just a bit. 

I'm linking up with my normal Monday linky parties:  Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward.  I'm getting pretty consistent on writing my Monday blog post on Sunday evening.  So, that explains why some of my links are not active -- the linky parties haven't started.  So, tomorrow after I work out I'll check again and see if I can activate the links.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Oh my goodness! Jamestown Landing is so pretty with those colors, and it looks like it will be so fun to quilt. I can't wait to see what you and Ruthie do to that beautiful quilt!

  2. Turquoise brings images of summer at the beach. It's a color I love but don't use often. Eager to see how you and Ruthie quilt Jamestown Landing.

  3. HOORAY! Your trip to Jamestown took a long time (the scenic route) -- but happy landings!! Friendship stars are always fun to make.

  4. I love the sea glass colors of your Jamestown! It's gonna look so great all quilted up, woo hoo! :)

  5. Your Jamestown is just beautiful. Love the colors and the piano border. I was especially interested in your corners with the piano border. I like piano borders so am always looking for ideas for those corners.

  6. Love all the blues! It reminds me of the sea! The border sure would use a lot of scraps!

  7. You are such a tease! Love what I see of the Jamestown Landing. I am sure it will be absolutely gorgeous once Ruthie is done with it. Hope you are staying dry and warm.

  8. Your Jamestown Landing is beautiful .. such soft colors. Good job!

  9. How funny! I am just finishing up a Jamestown Landing, too!!!! I am to the point of adding the borders; made mind a king size to give to my sister this Christmas. Here's hoping BOTH of us get them quilted quickly......

  10. Your Jamestown Landing turned out beautifully, love the soft blues and teals you used. Hope you were able to get started on the quilting this week.

  11. Your Jamestown Landing is BEAUTIFULLLLLLL!!!!! ElaineAdair


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