
Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday Meanderings 9 - 17 - 2018

What a week.... I was trying to get some piecing done and get ready for Florence.  But in the end Florence didn't come but some refugees from North Carolina:  my quilting buddy Sharon, her hubby and her dad.  It was great to see them but not under these circumstances.  Sharon and I did get a little sewing in while they were here.  

After Florence started to move on, Dale kept an eye on the roads and they left as soon as they could get through on the roads.  Her dad's house didn't have any flooding and he had electricity so they are staying there for the time being.  Dale has been posting updates on their house.  Flood water is closing in on them but hope is that it won't breech the house.  Luckily Sharon's studio is on the top floor of the house.  This whole thing has not been a nice welcome to their home.  They moved in about 3 weeks ago. I'm hoping she gets to come to retreat in about 2 weeks.  Fingers crossed.   

Here in Northern Virginia we are just now getting rains from Florence.  But not all that bad for us.  And, our house in Nags Head probably has no damage. We're awaiting a report from our property managers.  

On to sewing report.  I was able to enlarge the Potato Chip purse by just a little.   And get it completely sewn.  YEA!  A finish for September.  Not much is getting done this month for various reasons. Here's where you can buy the pattern if interested. You can also see lots of them made up on Pinterest.

Next up is preparing for a class with Lisa Ellis.  We're doing something called Wacky Portrait. Scroll to the bottom to see the sample.  I have quite a bit of work to get ready for it plus I'm doing a mini demo on making labels at guild meeting that night.  I'll definitely have my hands full this week! 

Here's how I did on my goals last week.

September 10, 2018 
Reviewing UFOs and updating spreadsheet More needs to be done…
Prep for class in mid Sept√ at least started
Figure out how to enlarge purse pattern & get started on it√ done 
Knit on sock

Make a pillowcase oops — I did buy some new cuff fabric!

And here's what I hope to do this week.... hope being the key word here.
September 17, 2018
Prep class for this week! 
Knit on Sock 
Start sweater for Theo
Prep for mini demo on labels 
Make a pillowcase? 

As usual I'm linking up with these great Monday linky parties: Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving it Forward.  You know the drill -- take some time to see what folks are working on.  Also you can still visit bloggers who are participating in the Meet and Greet.  Here's the link to all the bloggers. 

And don't forget you can sign up for the Great Grand Prize below.

This link has been giving me grief today.  If it doesn't link please let me know.  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie


  1. Good to know you escaped the storm and that your beach house is fine. What a blessing you were to Sharon and her family.

  2. Blogger seems to have turned off comments-by-email again. Sigh. Glad you escaped the hurricane's wrath, but I'm sorry for all who suffered losses! I was able to visit 60 of the 80 M&G bloggers before I got distracted. I need to get back to that.

  3. Sounds like your home was a haven! Prayers for safety for people and property! Cute purse.

  4. So kind of you to offer refuge to your friends! I'm glad to hear that their property seems to be OK. Crossing my fingers that it stays that way!

  5. Congrats on finishing a very cute little bag. Hoping your friends house escaped the worst of the flooding and is already back up in her sewing room.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.