
Sunday, October 21, 2018

Monday Meanderings 10 - 22 - 2018 and PEI

Busy week -- I've been trying to get two posts up each week.  Sure didn't happen this week.  So here's what I've been working on recently.  I spent one day wrestling a big king size backing -- I needed to add a few more inches to the backing.  The next day I loaded it (with Pat's help) on Ruthie.  Then I got the design figured out and started quilting it.  I got 3 of the 14 rows done.  It takes Ruthie about 30 minutes to quilt out a row.  I must say, I love the electronics on her! 

I spent a lot of time on embroidering the Halloween shirts for Natalie and Sophie this week. I probably should have picked a different design for Sophie.  Her's had 34 different stops; half had thread color changes.  If you aren't familiar with appliqué style embroidery the first stitching line is designed to give you a base line so you can then put a piece of fabric on it.  The second stitching line stitches the fabric down.  Then you remove the hoop and trim the fabric close to the line.  This design had 8 different fabrics added.  Hind sight -- I would have picked a different design to save some time!  But Sophie liked it.
And here's Natalie's. It only had 6 fabric placements and 21 total stops. She too likes her shirt.  I figure someday they will both grow out of these cute shirts but until they tell me that I'm still going to make them. 
I also gave up on the pattern for Theo's v neck cardigan I showed last week.  I finally realized I had no idea what the directions wanted me to do.  So I reviewed the old pattern and decided to go with the pullover sweater.  Much easier.  All the stitches got ripped out and the new sweater is started.  Hopefully this new design will go much faster without any more pulling out all my stitches! 

I did fairly well with my goals this week. 
October 15, 2018
Work on customer’s king size quilt - fix backing, load and begin quilting
Get the backing for the heron picture done, layout the bird pieces Nope, nothing
Knit on Theo’s sweater started a new sweater — pullover! 
Pick out and embroider Sophie and Natalie’s Halloween shirts
Put out Halloween decorations…

And this week --- much the same hopefully with more forward progress. 
October 22, 2018
Continue working on customer quilt — 11 more rows to do! 
Pick out designs and embroider Ellie’s and Theo’s Halloween shirts 
Try again — Get the backing for the heron picture done, layout the bird pieces
Knit on Theo’s sweater 

Here's the next grouping of photos from our time on Prince Edwards Island.  Lucy Maud Montgomery lived in PEI as a child and young adult.  As an adult she wrote Anne of Green Gables. The Green Gable Homestead is the house and some of the surrounding land that was the setting for the Anne stories.  It was fun to see the short video of her life and see her aunt and uncle's home that was the bases for Green Gable home in her novels.  
Here I am standing at the back of the house.  I realized there is a ladder on the roof.  I didn't hear anything about why there would be a ladder on the roof.  Anybody know?  
I had to take a picture of this quilt.  We didn't have a guided tour so I have no idea if it is original to the house or perhaps a quilt from the time. It was a beautiful sunny day so many of my pictures were washed out.  

On the way back to the harbor we made a quick stop at the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company.  I bought some blueberry preserves and some tea.  It was fun to see this statue of a Scottish piper.  He represents one of the many Scotts who moved to the Maritime Provinces. Most of the areas we visited were settled by English, French or Scotch.  In some places we visited, such as Quebec, the French were predominant.  Everywhere we toured there was discussions about where folks from the different countries settled. 

Also, at the Preserve Company was a neat gourd display at .  Hum, I wonder if I could use some of this in an appliqué project....?
I have more to share from PEI so my next post will continue our time there. 

I'm linking up with my regular, wonderful linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward. It's time to see what others are working on.  (Yep, I'll need to link these up tomorrow morning!)  Thursday afternoon --  Well CARP!  I meant to come back and link up these places and I forgot all about it. I just linked up to Moving It Forward.  All the other linky parties are closed.  So much for getting this written Sunday night.... Sigh. See you next week. B

Happy Quilting! Bonnie 


  1. PEI?? Color me (dark) GREEN with envy!! This is a trip on my "Bucket List."


  3. I, too, think the ladder is on the roof to have access to the chimney. The shirt designs may have been tedious to make, but they are cute. Won't these make fun quilt blocks when they are all grown up - a lovely memory quilt.

  4. I have a photo of that quilt. And the sewing machine in the upstairs bedroom. The items are period pieces, not original. When we visited Green Gables we learned that in July they have as many as 1500 visitors a day!

  5. The Halloween shirts are such fun. Looks like you had a wonderful trip.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.