
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Stashbusting Stats and OMG

Up first is my September Stashbusting report.  I got so little done in September but I also didn't go too wild buying fabric.  And, I realized I hadn't deducted the lotto blocks for retreat in August so I added in mine AND the ones Sharon made using my fabrics while she was here. 

Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I am definitely ok with this report as I didn't go wild buying fabric. The biggest amount of fabric was a purse kit I bought 5 or so years ago and never made. I don't think I had added the fabric to the in column at the time so I added it now. 

Next up is establishing my One Monthly Goal with Elm Street Quilts.  I knew I was going to be really busy with non quilty things in September so I didn't even state a goal.  This month there will be some more traveling but I'm hoping I can make some progress on this goal.  

Make the center top of my Pirate quilt. 
Here's my planning so far: 
I showed the block up close here.  I decided I didn't like two colors for the twisted look and made it only one color.  The pirate fabric is from an odd bunch of little pieces I bought at a quilt store years ago.  They were about 9 x 12" or at least close to it. There were a lot of duplicates so there will be lots of duplicates in the quilt.  I also wanted more blocks.  I searched out "pirate" embroidery and found "A Pirate's Life" by Designs by Juju. Here's the parrot stitching out. 
Hopefully by the end of this weekend I will have this top DONE!  It's my annual fall retreat weekend.  I've packed the car except for the sewing machine.  I still need to grab one thing I thought would be helpful and then I'm heading out the door.  (Well, I need to get dressed and have breakfast...)

My last share today is a couple of more pictures from our trip.  These are all in Quebec.  Unfortunately, I can't tell you where in Quebec but I bet it wouldn't be hard to find these streets.  (They were close together too.) 
Pat took this one -- that's me standing by the window on the left. 
Then I took these gates.  I was surprised by the depth or faux 3 dimensions I saw on the curved gate on the right.  I thought it a good example of how you can create depth in a quilt.  
The design two sections to the left is the same yet having a light background makes it difficult to see the dimension you see in the first one.  And, no, these aren't really gates but that seems the easiest description. Next post I'll show what was near this and what all the tourists were taking pictures of. (That won't happen until after Sunday....) 

I'm going to link up with Needle and Thread Thursday and Midweek Makers.  Take some time to see what folks have been showing on the Internet.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie -- ready to get going to retreat.  


  1. Have fun at retreat! I love the embroidered blocks you've added to the mix - nice!

  2. I like the pirate quilt! A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  3. Love all your little fussy cut pirate pieces. Dressing as a pirate for Halloween brings back fond memories!

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful trip. Hope the retreat was productive and fun.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.