
Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday Meandering 1 - 14 - 2019

Here's Theo at preschool wearing the sweater I made him for Christmas.  This was the sweater I started at least 2 times because I really wanted to make him a cardigan but I couldn't get the pattern figured out.  So, he got a pull over.  It looks like mom and dad rolled up his cuffs but the rest fits like a charm.  Hm, maybe next year I'll make him 2 sizes bigger.  Although, I suspect my yarn was a heavier weight than the pattern called for.  I'm having a heck of a time figuring the "new" yarn types with the ones I originally used.  And, this book was 30+ years old.  But I was very happy to use up some yarn I had sitting in my yarn stash. You can see more pics of the sweater in progress here, here, here, and here

My next share is Sea Glass.  I still haven't succeeded in getting a picture of the whole quilt.  But these two are not too bad for parts of the quilt.  That's me showing it off at Country Piecemakers. Hum, even my clothes seam seem to go with it. 

I've been doing ok on my goals but I haven't got much to show for them this week.  Here's what I wanted to do: 
January 7, 2019
Continue making Log Cabin blocks
Make FCQ Equilter blocks for Sharon and Pam in progress
Prep one more project to take to retreat in progress 
Do something with that pile of leftover fabrics on the cutting table Aaah didn’t even try to work on this! 
Make a pillowcaseand donated

And here's this week's plan: 
January 14, 2019
Quilt customer quilt
Finish the last kit to take on retreat
Sew like a fiend at the In House Retreat
Sew on log cabin blocks 
Begin challenge wall hanging

I'm linking up with my regulars: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday,  and Moving It Forward.  I'm looking forward to spending some time this week seeing what people have been working on.  I especially am looking forward to seeing what blocks are being made for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  And, one last question -- do you store your smaller scraps (not strips or squares but odd bits and pieces of yardage,) by color?  I need to re-evaluate mine and I'm looking for ideas.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie  

Winter hit us again this past weekend.  By the time it was done it was only about 5 to 6 inches.  Forecasted amounts were up to 10 inches. Phew, we were happy with the smaller amount.  This pic was after the first night; it snowed for another 10 to 12 hours.  


  1. pretty sea glass quilt...and adorable theo...!

  2. what a beautiful color for that quilt

  3. Theo is a cutie and looks handsome in the sweater. Nice job on Sea Glass!

  4. Yay for finished sweaters! What a cutie. And a beautiful quilt to snuggle with is always wonderful. We got 8" and expect 8" more this weekend!

  5. I just love your sea glass colored Jamestown Landing! It almost makes me want to do another one....not! I don't think I could face doing those string blocks again!

  6. Seaglass is gorgeous! And Theo looks so happy and sweet in his special "made by Grandma" sweater. Love his big smile :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. What a cutie! He wears his sweater well. Sea Glass turned out beautifully. Hope you don't get dumped on with the system coming this weekend.


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