
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Monday Meanderings 2 - 18 - 2019

EEK!  How many power outages are we going to have this year?  Our lights went out Sunday morning around 9 or 9:30.  No! Again?  This time a transformer went.  Very frustrating as I had planned to go to the studio to work on some current projects.  Three or four hours later it went back on but we had other things to do. And, my motivation was gone. Bummer.  Just a note, we live in an active senior community with underground wiring.  All these events we've had have been several miles away from us. Bummer.  

Here's what I have gotten done on one of my weekly goals. Since this photo was taken I've sashed the whole thing.  I am ready to put the borders on.  This will be going to a senior living facility that the Powhatan guild supports.  
The blocks are some of the over 50 blocks I received from the FCQ EQuilters. 

 I love the blocks but I got way too many for just me.  I've planned a 4 x 6 set for a lap quilt for me.  But I'll have enough left to make at least 3 of the smaller quilts.  A couple of years ago I bought the sashing/border fabric when Pat and I were in Lancaster, PA.  Below is a selection of blocks still waiting to be used.  I had them spread out to try to pick which ones I want to use for my quilt.  I didn't get that done but I will soon. 

I'm hoping to get this UFO done over the next few weeks. And won't that feel good to get a UFO done!  

I did pretty well on my goals this week.  I had planned to bind the Valentine table runner but just didn't get to it. (Blame the power outage. At least it is trimmed up and the binding is cut.) You can just make it out on the upper center of the granny square picture. It's hanging over the front rail on the long arm. 
Despite not playing in the studio Sunday, I was able to check off every thing on my goals list last week. Yea. 
February 11, 2019 
Quilt Valentines table runner√ 
Work on dog tumbler top√ 
Print labels for Va. Star√ 
Work on scrap quarter square triangles√ 
Work on my FCQEquilters blocks - granny blocks √

And here's this week's goals.  Pretty much a repeat of last week trying to move all of these projects forward. 
February 18, 2019
Bind Valentines table runner
Border first Granny blocks quilt 
Make more quarter square triangles 
Work on dog tumbler top 
Hand quilt on Christmas quilt UFO

Don't forget to check in to Sarah's Hands2Help if you are looking for some places to share your quilts with.  She's got a really good group of charities this year.  I'm looking at quilts I've got in my closet ready to quilt along with finished quilts.  I haven't decided which ones I'll send off to new homes but I will be participating in Hands2Help again this year. 

That's it for today.  I'm linking up with the regular parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward.  I had a great time last week browsing through some of the links.  Lots of great quilting going on out there.  Hope you can take a few minutes to surf. (I'll come back to link up any links not available as I write this.) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie


  1. What a lovely assortment of blocks! But, yes, 50 are a few too many. Hope your power stays on! (We have overhead wiring. Our house was built in 1972 but it was infill. The rest of the neighborhood was developed, gradually, after WWII. Despite some fierce wind gusts this winter we haven't even had a power blink!)

  2. Kudos on completing all your goals last week. The sashing fabric looks fabulous with the blocks. The blocks have a nice variety of colors: I like the pops of red and orange. Power outages are frustrating. I can't imagine living full-time without out the convenience of electricity.

  3. I am at the tacking stage on the binding of my Valentine's table topper. OK, so it will be done a week after Valentine's, who'se counting? LOL Love the granny squares!!

  4. Your blocks are all so pretty. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. Great, classic blocks! They will make some wonderful quilts. Hope your power is on for the long run now.

  6. Hope your power stays on, fingers crossed. The blocks will be make beautiful quilts which I know will be cherished.


  7. Those blocks are going to make some great donation quilts. Sorry about the power outage, that is so frustrating.


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