
Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday Meanderings 3 - 11 - 2019

My mind was totally off Sunday evening.  I usually write my Monday blog post then.  But, no, I never even thought about it.  And, what kept me from doing that?  I was finishing a book.  Not particularly a great answer but it totally distracted me.  That said, I hadn't even taken any pictures for today's post. Fast forward 12 hours or so and I still didn't have any ideas or pictures. 

How to solve writer's block?  I started going through old pictures.  I ran across the pics of the beginnings of a fused glass pendant.  Voila!  Something to write about.  We have had a glass artist come to our community clubhouse to show us how to make glass jewelry.  I didn't make the first couple of sessions but after I saw the results I signed up for one.  She brought all the supplies and did the firing afterwards.  It was really fun. We weren't cutting any glass just putting glass pieces together.  Here's my before pictures for one of my pieces. 

Here it is after it was fired. I've been wearing this one a lot because it goes with everything. 

For $40 we were allowed to make two pendants.  Here's my second one that I put together in just a few minutes as I had pondered over the first one so long. 
It was a lot of fun to do but I doubt I will do more as I seldom remember to put jewelry on.  But it is a lot of fun when I get nice comments when I wear either of these. 

You may notice I don't have any quilting pictures today.  Right.  I've been piecing and cutting and etc. but just no pictures yet.  I successfully worked on each of my projects as listed on my goals list so overall things are moving forward. 

March 4, 2019
Sew quarter square triangle rows together√
Plan T shirt quilt and start to add stabilizer to shirts√ all cutting and stabilizing done
Hand Quilt on Old Christmas Quilt√
Quilt Heron top & bind√ quilted not bound, lots of thread needs to be tied off 
Plan backing for quarter square triangle quilt√

So this week I've got less on my list but hopefully will be just as successful.

March 11, 2019
Sew binding on Heron quilt
Hand quilt on Old Christmas quilt
Stitch on Carousel
work on T shirt quilt

I'm linking up with my favorite linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward. Enjoy some relaxing time by visiting a few web sites to see what folks are up to.  I do this at least weekly, some times more and all of a sudden I have way too many pictures in my inspiration file.  Sigh.  Recently I've gone back through the file and named some of the pics and thrown away ones I'll never make.  

HELP Once again Blogger is not forwarding my comments to my email address.  I've tried what Nann suggested last time this happened but it doesn't seem to be working.  Any one else have brilliant ideas about this?  Thanks. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Both pendants are beautiful and unique pieces! I wear the same pieces of jewelry all the time even though I have a lot of others.

  2. Such lovely pieces. I need to find a glass firing business locally, as I know I would love to make jewelry like this.

  3. Fun jewelry! They do have a quilt block look to them, a bit.

  4. Love your jewelry and love your honesty about your post. Sometimes I totally space off a post then have to look thru the photos on my phone to see what's kept me occupied. All I know is I'm having fun and you probably are also! Have a great week!

  5. Sometimes you just need to sit and read a good book. Beautiful glass pendents. Sounds like it was a very fun class. Hope you've had a great week of stitching.


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