
Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday Meanderings 3 - 25 - 2019

What a great week!  We had a houseful of quilters (and embroiderers) last week.  It was fun to spend time with quilting buddies.  Sharon came up to have a quilting weekend.  Then Dorothy, Kay and Joyce came up to attend embroidery classes.  The Richmond gals would leave early each morning and arrive back at dinner time.  We would spend an hour or so chatting and seeing what new embroidery things they learned about. The we would eat and get back to gabbing, sewing or whatever struck our fancy.  A great weekend.  But also tiring!  

Sharon brought a quilt to throw on Ruthie.  Here's the finished top. 
Sharon's quilt 
Quilting close up.
I really like the quilting design she picked, Matrix by Patricia Ritter.  We chose to run it fairly large. Ruthy quilted it like a champ.  Below shows the backing Sharon put together. 
Hum, I might have moved my camera while taking it as it doesn't seem sharply focused.  I like that she used the big strip of the border fabric on the back.  

I'm not to the point of taking pictures of anything I'm currently working on.  But Sharon helped me with some photos of quilts I've finished over the last month or so.  I needed to get pictures done because I was sending two off with Dorothy to take to the Powhatan guild. Today I'm showing Granny Quilt 1.  The blocks came from my FCQ Equilters group. This one will go to a nursing home. 
I have enough blocks to make at least one more quilt this size and another one will be a 4 x 6 set that I plan on keeping.  You'll see that brown sashing on all of the quilts as I bought way too much of it! I was tickled to use up a very nice piece of fabric I won from a blog giveaway.  

I did well on my goals list this week considering all the weekend excitement. 
March 18, 2019
Start sashing T shirt quilt
Quilt 2 charity quilts
Hand quilt on Old Christmas quilt
Pick Granny blocks for lap quilt oops didn’t happen
Enjoy visit with quilting friends

Here's what I'll be working on this week. I have about half of the t shirt quilt put together so finishing that will be a priority.  I'd like to get other things done but it will just depend on my motivation after my intense quilting time over the weekend. 
March 25, 2019
Finish sashing T shirt quilt
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Spend some time reading 
Finish green blocks for Rainbow Scrap Challenge
Work on next granny block quilt

I've been neglecting my blog reading and even responding to the comments I've gotten on my own blog.  OOPS.  I hope comments on my blog will show up in my email inbox as I've hopefully reset it correctly.  Leave me a comment so I can check it out.  

I'm linking up with my favorite linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, and Moving It Forward. I'm looking forward to some quiet time doing some blog surfing.  I hope you have a chance to also. For now, I'm going to finish posting this and then read some blogs. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I just had to reset my comment settings too. I didn't realize it but people were having to go through all kinds of Captcha pictures to even leave a comment!

    1. Bonnie, I noticed my comment published immediately on your blog. Mine won't do that. I had to reset it to moderate all comments. Can you tell me what your settings are?

  2. Sharon pieced an ideal quilting design for her top. The Granny Square quilt is wonderful. The block is a scrap buster and makes a cozy-looking quilt.

  3. I am leaving another comment for you to see if my comment publishes immediately like it did last night.

    1. Yup, it did! Oh I'm so frustrated. I'm pretty sure I have my settings set up the same way you showed me on your screen shots but people are still having to click on pictures to comment. (sigh) Oh well. Life goes on. :)

  4. Sounds like a very fun weekend. Sharon's quilt turned out beautifully! It's hard keeping up with blogland, sometimes you have to choose between the computer or stitching. Happy stitching this weekend.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.