
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Monday Meanderings 5 - 13 - 2019

It's retreat week!  Whoop! Whoop! 
I've got just a few days before I'm heading to Lancaster County, PA for a retreat with my friends from Maryland. We always have a lot of fun.  I haven't decided if I'm going to head out shopping with friends or spend the whole time sewing. I know I'll have a great time and I'll be exhausted when I get home.  
I've been getting ready by cutting out projects.  These kits are ready to become quilts.  Do you think 6 is too many for a retreat from Thursday to Sunday?  Most of them are small, easy quilt tops.  Only one is lap quilt size, the others are smaller.  

Here's one of the two friendship star quilts I quilted this weekend.  At the top of the picture you can just see a point of a star on the first quilt I did.  I loaded a wide back and quilted one after another.  It went well. 
This was on my goal list last week so you can see I got it done!  Yea. In fact, I was so focused I only had one item that wasn't totally completed.  Prepping the paper piecing designs I might work on at retreat was time consuming.  It's mostly finished but I wanted to reverse some of the designs so that was taking time.  I'll finish them all before I leave Thursday. Here's how I did with last weeks goals.
May 6, 2019
Load and start quilting airplane quilts
Bind Snowflake quilt
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Prep Winter Paper Pieced blocks for retreat
Finish cutting Parrot top and Butterfly top

I'm not really listing much for this week because I'm mostly working on the projects I kitted up for retreat.  My hope is to hopefully finish 4 of the tops and move 2 others along.  

May 13, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Finish Prepping Winter Paper Pieced blocks
Make Parrot top at retreat 
Have a GREAT time at retreat 

I'm linking with my normal Monday linky pages: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, Moving It Forward and What I Made Monday.  I've been doing a poor job of remembering to come back to link up to all of the places I've listed.  Hopefully, I'll remember tomorrow! Enjoy surfing the net using these linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie


  1. Wow, there's a lot going on in your sewing room! Good luck with the retreat, and congratulations on your finishes.

  2. how long is the retreat? six projects wow - I have never gone on a retreat because I just do not work on my quilts all day and would have a hard time doing that - I hop back and forth all day from one project to another to a book to the garden and exercise time - I would have a hard time saying I was going to quilt all day for 3 days or so in a row or even all day :) have fun - I would take advantage of the shopping time for sure as I don't have that at home

  3. Six projects is doable, especially if some are small. I always like to take more projects than I think I'll need because something always comes up - missing pieces, etc. Have fun and safe journey.

  4. Have fun at your retreat Bonnnie - it sounds like a great time! No, 6 projects is not too much for 4 days. You'll make a lot of progress. Enjoy the time with your friends! (I'm a bit envious..) :)

  5. Hi Bonnie! Look at all those projects ready for retreat. Sure, you'll easily get all four of those quilt tops together AND move two others ahead. That is unless you have too darn much fun! I look forward to hearing how you did, and all the laughs you shared with your friends. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I'm bringing 7 or 8 projects so far. Some of mine, though, are ready for assembly so fairly quick. See you soon

  7. Have fun at your retreat! Thanks for sharing with Moving it Forward!


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