
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monday Meandering & July OMG 7 - 1 - 2019

Hello July and good bye half of 2019. I've had several days in my studio where I've mostly worked on finishing quilts and making an assortment of blocks.  

I got a group of 6 blocks from one of the guild members. Her mother, Donna, had a lot of UFOs left when she died so I agreed to take some to finish.  I figure I can add a few blocks and donate a quilt to one of our guild's charities.  I like working on unfinished projects left by quilters.  It feels good to finish blocks or quilts and donate them to someone who will love them.  Here are Donna's blocks along with what I thought I would like with them.  Meh -- not so much.  I've got some Ohio star variations in works that I like better.  Now I need to use these pink squares. (Don't worry, I have a plan...) 

Here's my July One Monthly Goal. 

I will border, quilt and bind the batik strips top.

The strips came from a retreat swap -- oh, maybe 5 years ago.  I had started working on them but wasn't thrilled with the look.  Fast forward a year or two and a Faithful Circle Quilt show.  Someone had made their batik strips from the swap into a quilt that looks a lot like this one.   I redid my blocks based on the other quilt. I got bored with it before I finished it and it sat for another year or two.  When I took it out to take the picture I fell in love with it again. The colors are so wonderful.  And, I have border fabric (black) all cut out.  Just needs to be sewn into strips and cut to fit.  What was I thinking to put this beauty away? It.Will.Get.Done!

Here's Nat's swimsuit cover up I embroidered a week or two ago. (Or longer? Who remembers the details!)  Each grand got to pick out a beach scene for either a coverup or a sweatshirt.  Natalie wanted this shark.  She always surprises me with her picks.  But I found the best shark fabric. (You can't tell but the shark fabric is a blue and aqua batik.) He was fun and easy to do.  I've got one more sweatshirt to show sometime in the future. 
I was very successful on my goals this week.  Every project was either finished or moved forward.  You can't complain about that! 

June 24, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Bind butterfly quilt
Finish binding parrot quilt
Work on Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks
Make a few blocks for Taps quilt
Make two more blocks for QOVOk, I only got 1 done. 

And here are my  goals for this first week of July. 
July 1, 2019
Hand quilt on old Christmas quilt
Make last two Ohio star variation blocks and sew top together 
Continue working on patriotic Four Patch variation (Taps quilt)
Finish rest of blue Rainbow Scrap blocks and start the new color blocks 
Start doll sweater(s) 
Possibly start sewing moose blocks 

Having goals keeps me focused and moving forward.  Otherwise I am a racoon quilter... ooh lets start a new quilt, ah I like this fabric what can I make with it.  Are you a racoon quilter?  Easily distracted by pretty fabrics or cool patterns?  

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday, Moving it Forward and What I Made Monday.  I'll have to link up the rest of the parties when they are posted.  I'll be spending some quality time reading some blogs tomorrow.  I hope you will too.

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. I like working on other quilters' UFOs too - I like the challenge. The vibrant batiks look great with the black sashing.

  2. YES!! Finish your Batik rails!! That is so pretty!!!

  3. Oh, yeah, I'm totally distractable--there are quite a few UFOs that will testify to that. Thanks for linking up to What I Made Monday!

  4. Lots of bright fun potential here! Your rail fence is great and a black border or binding will frame it up so well. I know what you mean about finishing up someone else's UFOs. It's very satisfying to do :)

  5. I love your batik rail fence quilt. The black sashing just makes the colours pop!

  6. I like to rescue other people's projects and finish them, even when I have quite a few of my own waiting for attention!
    The rail fence looks wonderful.


  7. Hope you got a chance to finish the batik rails quilt, it is gorgeous. Hard not to fall in love with all that saturated color.

  8. Beautiful rail fence blocks. I like how you break them up with the sashing and it makes the colors even brighter.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.