
Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Meanderings 8 - 19 - 2019

Some of my sewing mojo has returned.  I did a bit of sewing on a bowl carrier that I wanted to get back to the quilt guild.  I've also been working on getting a new project cut for the Oct. retreat that is just 6 weeks away.  As I've said before I like to have easy projects that are cut out and ready to sew together. 

What I really accomplished is quilting one of 5 charity quilts I received at the May retreat from Faithful Circle Quilters.  Since I'll see a few folks from there in October I thought it was time to get going on those quilts.  One is done and ready to give back. I used a favorite design Ginger Flower by Apricot Moon. 

But what I'm tickled with is I loaded my Batik Rails quilt and have it half quilted.  

I chose Pipeline as the quilting design.  (It was included with my long arm so I can't tell you any more about it.)   The surprising thing to me is it is taking just under 13 minutes a row to get it quilted.  For some reason I thought it would have been faster.  I'm using a purple So Fine thread similar to the backing fabric I'm using.  (The blue mark on the black sashing is a point to line up the next row with.  After I've done all the rows I will remove all the tape.)

My plan is to finish the quilting and get the first side of the binding on.  Then I'll have something to do while I'm recuperating.  Well, there is always knitting on the sweater for one of the granddaughters too. 

My only goal this week is to actually get the quilting done and the first part of the binding.  And, I have the time to do that too. 

As promised here are pictures of our time at the Monterey Aquarium. 
Feeding time in one of the big tanks. 
Sea otter -- looks like he is sucking his hand but I'm not sure what he is doing.
I really didn't do a great job getting pictures at the aquarium.  I was more interested in looking at everything!  I did snap this picture of a wall mural as we were leaving.  (Hum, I guess I have a thing for otters.) 
Hum, looking at the far left otter makes me wonder if they actually have fingernails. 
Next week I'll share some of our pics from the San Francisco area.  I did a better job of getting pictures there. 

I'm linking with my regular Monday linky parties.  Try to spend some time checking out blogs at these parties. I always find such interesting projects being shared.  Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Main Crush Monday and Moving It Forward.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Oooh, I ❤️ those vibrant batiks! Otters are fun animals to observe - pure joy.

  2. Otters are such fun to watch! The pronounced brickwork on (behind? under?) the mural makes it look like it's quilted. Your batik bricks are a very colorful stashbuster. The black sashing really sets them off.

  3. I love the photos. The aquarium felt like I was standing in front of it myself. Great charity quilts too.

  4. I love the bright colors on both of these quilts! I admit I have no idea how fast a long arm machine usually takes. Is 13 minutes fast or slow? Cute otters :)

  5. Oh I am loving that batik rails!! and the Aquarium - what fun!!!


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