
Monday, September 16, 2019

Monday Meanderings 9 - 16 - 2019

You would think I would remember what I was going to put in my blog each time I started to write one.  But that didn't work well for me last week.  I left out several pictures that I'm sharing today. 

First up a big thank you to Nancy who blogs at Wyoming Breezes.  I've read her blog for years.  Her posts aren't long, aren't always about quilting but they are always interesting.  She had a contest last month.  I came the closest to guessing how many 4 patches she'd sewn in a chain.  I was 14 under the final count of 226 units.  EEK that is a lot of sewing and cutting.  The prize arrived over a week ago.  I took pictures, prepped the picture to put into last week's blog and then proceeded to forget about the whole thing.  GOOD GRIEF.  So here's my prize package that was so much fun to receive. I own several postcard quilt patterns but not these two.  I suspect there will be a Voyager in my future. I also send notes and cards through the mail so the gorgeous note cards will be put to use soon.  Thanks Nancy for a fun prize package and a fun little contest. 

Here's what is on my design wall this week. First up is 10 hexagons made to enter a block lottery at retreat at the beginning of October. Each block earns you an entry in the lottery. Colleen, who organizes the whole retreat picks a number of blocks you can win and then draws a fairly large number of winners.  But wait! There's more.  Instead of just picking the number of blocks won, you are blindfolded as are all the other winners and you grab the number of blocks you've won.  It's wild but fun.  Last year was the first year I didn't win any blocks. (Not that I minded -- I always have to make quilts from the blocks so it was liberating.)  Colleen was interested in hexagons this year so here are the 10 I made following her directions.  Must have nature oriented center, a dark ring and then a light ring.  These things took forever to make.  Think 12 fairly short seams and after each seam they needed pressing and trimming.  I was happy to finally finish all of them. 

The other action in the studio centered around this set of blocks.  I started them in January or so. I trimmed them to the same size (13.75") and sewed the vertical sashing in place. I'm ready to sew the horizontal sashing. Note, the top horizontal sashing is just placed there to show what it will be like.  And, darn it! The rows are probably an inch wider than the width of fabric I'm using. Gnashing of teeth and growling. The colored fabrics were from a fat quarter stack my daughter gave me for Christmas.  I'm happy to put some of them to use here. Actually the background fabric, sashing and corner stones were all pulled from my stash. Hopefully, I'll be able to show you a finished top soon.  

I've decided I probably won't do weekly goals for a while.  But there are a few projects I'm trying to finish by the end of the month. I'm posting a list because I don't want to forget what I need to get done before the October retreat. 

Quilt two charity quilts for Faithful Circle Quilters
Cut and package 2 more quilt kits to take on retreat
Clean up the cutting table so I can use all of it again 

That shouldn't be all that hard to get done as there are two more weeks until retreat. 

I'm linking up with Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Moving It Forward, and What I Made Monday. I'm planning on spending some time seeing what people have been working on.  Last week I didn't spend quality time with blogs.  I missed that.  So, I hope to do better this week. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The hexagon blocks are gorgeous, but I can see they would be tedious to make. I chuckled when I saw the last item on your list. Cleaning my cutting table has been on my list all summer. I can almost see the cutting board again.

  2. I love the pink sashing, I hope you have enough to finish the top. Congrats on the win too. One thing I do to help me remember what I want to post is create a draft a week or so in advance and add headers or notes as I think of what I want to share.

  3. Isn't that how it always ends up with sashing? I guess that's why some quilters prefer setting with corner stones, right? The blocks look beautiful!

  4. Your hexagon blocks are beautiful. I never thought about how much pressing would be required but there you have it -- loads!

  5. Lots of color and beauty in your studio!!! Have fun at the retreat.

  6. LOVE the hexie blocks!!! What size are they?


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