
Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday Meanderings 10 - 21 - 2019

I made progress on the cutting table clean up.  YES!  But then a day or two later I pulled all sorts of threads and stabilizers out and it is, once again, a total mess.  One of the things I did do was start cutting triangles and squares from the bits and pieces hanging around the Go cutter.  I have a plan in my head for some stars using a 16 patch in the middle.  Maybe I'll get more scraps cut out and put away this week.   

It's nearly Halloween and I knew I needed to get going on the shirts for the grands.  Two days later I have all four shirts done and ready to pop them in the mail.  I'll show pics of those on Halloween.  (Hey, I know I often forget but I've put a reminder on my calendar....we'll see if that works.) 

My big accomplishment was getting the stripes top quilted.  Here's what it looks like before binding.  I won most of these blocks using stripe fabric at an opportunity block drawing from Faithful Circle Quilters in Maryland.  I am happy to move them out.  The quilt will be donated somewhere soon, I just haven't made up my mind where. 

I'l share it again when I get the binding done.  Quilt pattern is Ariana from My Creative Stitches.  The thread is So Fine in a dark teal.  

Next up is a great hint passed on at retreat. So the little orange thing is a magnet purchased from an office supply store.  And, OMG, a clever person realized you can pick up a rotary blade with it. There some things you need to watch out for as the magnet is strong enough to pick up several blades. But it really is helpful to pick blades up and put on the handle or back in a case. Thank you clever person.  

I'm still working on my cutting table clean up and getting some tops quilted -- I'm hoping to get one more finished before the end of the month.  I have put away all of my stuff from retreat.  And I do feel progress is being made on all sorts of fronts. 

I'm linking up with my favorite Monday parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Moving It Forward Monday.  Hope you can take some time to check them out. I plan to right after I get this posted. And, now, that's a wrap.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. That is a clever idea to use a magnet and much better than the dump method I use. I was able to get my room cleaned yesterday after the 2 finishes I shared today and its so nice to have clean tables once again. Lucky win on the blocks.

  2. Love the magnet idea/tip and will share it with others - thanks! My cutting table is nearly clear of clutter after I spent some time tidying it over the weekend.

  3. The stripes quilt looks really nice! Great to move that one along. Thanks for sharing the magnet tip. Very, very smart :)


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