
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Monday Meanderings 3 - 3 - 2020

Another month has snuck in.  Even with the extra day last month it did seem to go fast.  I know last week zoomed by!  

Thursday I attended the Mid Atlantic Quilt show with a group of quilting buddies.  We drive down in the morning and come back in the evening.  We don't have a lot of time at the show as it's 2 hours each way if we don't run into traffic. I was tickled to finally get a picture of my music challenge quilt while it was hanging at the show. 

Here's my artist statement for "Let's Sing."
My 2020 Challenge piece was inspired by the song I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing by B. Backer, B. Davis, R. Cook and R. Greenaway. The song started out as a jingle for a television commercial for Coca Cola in 1971 but was quickly released with non-commercial lyrics. 

Choral, or group, singing offers a variety of physical and mental benefits to the singer such as stess reduction, improved mood and lowering blood pressure. This joyous song offers hope and love that encompasses all. 

I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing (In Perfect Harmony) as sung by The New Seekers. 

I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace through out the land
(That's the song I hear)
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony

Source: Lyric Find 
My thanks go to my friends Sharon, Beth and Marlyn for being my sounding boards during the making of this quilt.  

I was happy to see it hanging with all of the quilts from Country Piecemakers.  

I spent more time shopping at the quilt show than actually viewing the quilts.  My general impression was there were more challenge quilts than quilts actually entered in the show.  The prize winners were amazing. I've taken pics of several quilts that "spoke" to me.  I'll try to remember to share them over the next couple of posts. 

My purchases ranged from a roll of cotton/poly batting from Pellon, to a wide back, six fat quarters of batik fabric, some cork fabric and a pattern for a candle mat with some bunnies on it.  My guess is I'll use the bunnies on something other than a candle mat as that is a bit too fussy for me.  (On the other hand, it might just be another addition to my pattern collection.)

Since it is now March I thought I'd share my stashbusting, um, stash building with you. Here's the sad news if I look at it from the point of wanting to USE my stash. I've added several yards of patriotic fabric, several other one yard pieces, and two different pieces of wide back to the collection.  Half of one was used as the backing on my patriotic quilt going to TAPS.  I definitely need to control my urge to buy fabric for a few months and concentrate on finishing some pieces! 

Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year

I've decided it's time I listed a few quilting and other goals each week to help me keep focused.  I find if I've listed my goals I can make sure I get them done or at least further along the path to finishes. 

March 2, 2020
Finish doggie blocks and sew into top
Cut out and stitch table runner to donate to FCQ quilt show
Finish green fingerless mitts
Go to Richmond to visit some quilt shops 
Make next FCQ Equilter blocks 

That list may be way more than I can get done this week but I'll give it a try. 

Although I've shared lots of photos from our trip, we did have an interesting event after we left Panama, but no photos.  Our last port was Costa Rica staying for one day.  Except the seas were running around 15 feet. (rocking and a rolling!)  So when we got to the dock in Costa Rica the ship was bobbing up and down like crazy.  Unlike many ports we had gone to this one was not protected at all.  Unfortunately, it just wasn't safe to disembark.  We were disappointed!  It meant we had 3 straight sea days as we headed back to Florida. Two days at sea was relaxing.  By the third day I was ready to go somewhere again! And the rough seas were with us for the next day or so.  I am not the best sailor in rough water! 

We were on Holland American line and I give them kudos for refunding our excursion fees within two hours (probably less but that's when we noticed it on our account) of leaving Costa Rica.  A bit later in the day our port taxes were returned.  

That's it for me today.  I'm linking up with Oh Scrap, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  I'm hoping to spend some serious blog hopping time this week. (Along with getting all of my goals done!)  

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Let's Sing is beautiful! You aren't so deep into the stash additions that you can't recover pretty quickly. Happy stitching this week!

  2. I think when I go to shows I spend a lot of time at the vendors to, I really want to explore what they have, feel fabric and keep that in my mind - I do almost all of my shopping on line because of no local shops so when I'm at a show I make the most of it filing things away in my memory and making purchases.

  3. You put a lot of planning into this quilt and it paid off! Hope you can relax and get caught up with "fun" sewing this week.

  4. P.S. Congratulations on being #1 in Beth's link up today. Up early!

  5. Nice job on the challenge quilt - I love it and remember the song well.

  6. What a neat interpretation of the challenge! You really captured the lyrics so well, and I love the appliqued notes over the whole world :)

  7. I've always liked that song. You found a good way to interpret into a quilt.


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