
Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday Meanderings 4 - 20 - 2020

Day 39 of solitary confinement.... Oh! 😲 I just went to the calendar and counted.  We pretty much started staying home on Mar 13.  We did not go out to celebrate our birthdays over the weekend.  I didn't go to my hairdresser the following Wednesday. And, the worse, I cancelled the in-house retreat with my quilting buddies.  I've been to the grocery store a few times and one or two drives.  But, except for walks I've been at home. And, I am getting so MUCH done.  I miss my friends and activities but the trade off of getting things accomplished really works for me. 

Here's my newest finish. (Yep, finished, as in I could give it away today if I wanted!) 
Baby Girl Happy Block
I used Ripple from My Creative Stitches. Thread choice is So Fine #524, lavender.  I really like the texture of Ripple.  Next time I use it I might try for more room between the lines.  Here are some of my favorite blocks:
Nann - do you recognize this?
Part of the original charm pack but color is not quite right. 
Who doesn't need a fairy frog-mother? 
The mask making is continuing.  I now have about 20 masks ready to give to the ambulance transport company who need some protection.  I've been using a fairly easy and fast pattern so I'm making them much faster.  

I've done pretty well on all the goals for last week. I've finished Happy Blocks, I've made lots of masks, I've made several more pinwheel blocks.  The one thing I didn't do is work on the churn dashes.  Not a bad week, over all. 

This week, along with mask making, I'm focusing on:
1) Making all pinwheel blocks and sewing the top together.
2) Sewing all the churwndash blocks into a top.
3) Loading on Ruthie president's quilt for my local guild.
4) Updating my spread sheets on UFOs and batting pieces.  This is my maybe goal. All the other ones I really want to keep up with. 

Are you ready to surf the web?  I am.  Here's my regular linky parties so you can join in the fun: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and Main Crush Monday.
Photo from and copyrighted Pluto 

And for your enjoyment meet Pluto.  He's helping us with ideas to keep us safe and entertained during our stay-at-home time.  Pluto Living.  I've been watching him on Facebook.  Check out his snore meditations. Enjoy!

Happy Quilting and Stay Safe! Bonnie 


  1. The happy blocks quilt is happy indeed! Hope you find a new home for it soon. Good luck with inventory-taking. If you can stay focused you can get it done!

  2. Ripple adds a nice texture to the quilt: it looks wonderful.

  3. The texture from Ripple is amazing! What a cute and snuggly quilt. I hope you can give it away soon :)

  4. Such a pretty bright little quilt!

  5. Looks like you're having really productive days - that's fantastic Bonnie! Your little quilt is very happy, and someone is going to love receiving it. I really like that ripple design. It looks great. Did you take advantage of the My Creative Stitches sale? I picked up several designs and can't wait to try them out. Thanks for linking to MCM!

  6. That is a darling quilt. Such cute fabrics!!! I want your scraps.
    I am sure whoever receives it will squeal with delight :-) Hope you stay safe :-)

  7. That quilt is so pretty and I love the Ripple quilting - I must give that a try! I just found Pluto a few weeks ago :-o I love it <3 [I'm visiting from Confessions of a Fabric Addicts guest blog post] :-)


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