
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday Meandering 5 - 4 - 2020

Welcome May!  The gardens are gorgeous as we take our walks.  And, the lawns have greened up and have needed mowing twice a week this week. Staying home worked for me this week.  I was successful on two of my goals.  Especially quilting the huge quilt.  Here's a peek at what I got done.  

First I finished making pinwheel blocks and got them sewn together in to a top.  Unfortunately the top has been put in the closet to be quilted after I get a backing for it.  Eventually it will be donated as a Quilt of Valor. 
 My biggest finish was the quilting on the king size quilt for the local guild. I won't be able to show the whole quilt until later.  But here's one of the blocks. 
Actually, that's the only two things I got completed on my list, but I was so happy to finish the quilting.  It wasn't on the list, but I once again started working on a hand quilting project.  Talk about a UFO!  I started this quilt on a mystery quilt weekend in 1995 (or so.) I've been hand quilting it for years. (Or maybe not quilting so much as letting it sit around a lot!) I am stitching 8 strands of quilting around the outside border.  I'm about half done but I only get a little bit done each time I work on it.  
And, since it's the beginning of new month, here are my statistics for April.
Fabric In Month
Fabric In Year
Fabric Out Month
Fabric Out Year
Total In or Out Year
Even though I've been making masks like crazy and finished one small quilt, I still haven't made up for all that fabric I bought in Feb and March.  The yardage in is fabric I was given by someone getting rid of her fabric.  Most of it I have in a separate box and didn't count it as coming into my stash.  But I was in need of white on whites so I decided I would just add them to the stash. Maybe by the end of May I'll have made a dent in fabric! 

Here's my goals for this week: 
1) Sewing all the churwndash blocks into a top. Several rows were sewn together last week.  I'm hoping to get these into a top. 
2) Loading and quilting my granny square blocks on Ruthie. 
3) Starting a new quilt.  (To heck with all these UFO's for a week!) 
4) Updating my spread sheets on UFOs and batting pieces.  It's still my maybe goal. All the other ones I really want to keep up with. 

I'm linking with Oh Scrap, Slow Sunday Stitching, Monday Making, and Design Wall Monday.  Spend some time seeing what people are working on during these extra days at home. 

Happy Quilting and Stay Safe!  Bonnie 


  1. A wonderful Quilt of Valor! Good luck with the fabric usage - no doubt it will be used soon.

  2. The RWB pinwheels are great! And such a cheerful striped house. Just 28 yards acquired so far this year? You're doing well!

  3. I am itching to start something new, but with 3 qals going I know I do NOT need to start a new quilt, I still have several UFOs from last year to finish. LOL! So I am going to make some quick zippered pouches just to complete something!

  4. The pinwheels are fabulous! I’m working on a mystery QAL as well as the 2.5 inch scrap bin. I have a LOT of four-patches to work with now.

  5. I love those pinwheels! And finishing a queen size is a BIG job. Good for you!

  6. Good luck working through your list!

  7. It looks like you're quilting a cable of some sort in the border... how fun! ENJOY!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!


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