
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Monday Meandering 8 - 10 - 2010

I have had "working on the dog blocks" on my goal list for several weeks.  If you read this blog regularly you might remember they are really old blocks -- as in early 1990s from a block swap on the old Prodigy. I know I've taken them out once before but haven't found the post or the pictures from then.  So I started anew a couple of weeks ago. I find it interesting when someone shows the process of going from blocks or a beginning idea to the final design.  I haven't quite got the final design ready to show but I can show some progress shots.

All I did was slap them on my design wall.  I tried to figure out placement but honestly, with all the different blocks divisible by 3" I'm floundering. 

So next I tried to draw the sizes on paper.  Eh, didn't work well because I was using 10 squares to the inch paper which makes it really hard to work with multiples of 3. Cancel that idea and toss the paper. 

Next I remembered I had a 2 x 2" flannel grid.  I got it years ago when watercolor quilts were popular. 

Ok, I'm making progress. I've added another floral dog in the same pattern but cut to 9" instead of adding background to make it 12". 

I've filled in some of the "holes" with fabric.  I wasn't sure about the blue and beige stripes made from half square triangles but they do help lighten the feel of the piece. And, I'm thinking sashing between each row. (Although that dark blue doesn't add anything.) 

I've added a couple of blocks -- the machine appliquéd dog on the turquoise in the top row and the dog fabric with the star in black and white.  Hum, I didn't quite make that block correctly.  To make the star stand out correctly I should have put the black with white dots in the four corners.  (It's not being changed, I don't have anymore of that black fabric...) I've changed the blocks around a bit.  I machine zigzagged with medium grey thread around the black scotty on the dark red to make the scotty more obvious. (bottom row, left.)  I've added several different ideas for sashing and I've used more of the hst in blue and beige.  

My plan for completion is to use several different fabrics in the sashing between rows. I may use various sashing but I plan to pull colors from the blue fabric with  dots fabric and from the blocks.   I hope to also use dot as a border around the whole quilt. 

That's my big plan for this week.  I want this moved into the to-be-quilted closet rather than the UFO tub! Time will tell. 

Goals from last week: 


Finish Sewing Silver Lining Blocks into top

Quilt customer quilt started 

Plan dog top and make fillers as needed Good progress made

Visit new quilt store opening 8/3! Boo — opening postponed, I’ll visit it next week 

Decide whether to participate in Morewood Decided against it… need to finish UFOs not start big new ones…. little news are ok though! 

And, now, this week's goals... a lot more than I usually list but I'm trying to make progress on stalled pieces.


Shop at new quilt store 

Work on Wonky Family piece

Finish putting together dogs top

Work on the propeller blocks (have to get the dog blocks off the design wall before I can do this one. 

Finish customer’s quilt

Quilt one of my quilts

A few thoughts before I end:  Does the new Blogger drive you crazy?  I like to move my pictures around, place text next to a pic, design the space, so to speak.  Um, doesn't really work for me.  Bang head on computer a few times.  I'm putting up with what I can get it to do.  

And how about a cuteness overload picture? Our son's family spent a week at the beach house and ended it by picking up a new puppy they had purchased at the beginning of the summer.  Introducing the newest grand dog: Walter, aka, Wally. 

He's about 8 weeks old and is a German Short Haired Pointer.  Here's what Wikipedia says about them: " The German Shorthaired Pointer was developed to be a dog suited for family life, as well as a versatile hunter. Therefore, its temperament is that of an intelligent, bold, boisterous, eccentric, and characteristically affectionate dog that is cooperative and easily trained. This breed is smart, friendly, willing, and enthusiastic."  I don't think Walter will be hunting but he will enjoy family runs and bike rides.

We had Cassie for the week. So, we got to have some up close time with Walter when Kevin and Theo came down to get her.  The bonus was it was neutral territory for the dogs to meet.  Theo is trying to convince one of them they might like the grass in his hand. (Hum, I never thought about it but how appropriate I've written about my current dog quilt and introduced Walter in the same post!) Hopefully we'll get Walter pictures over the next months.

Lots was going on last week.  This coming week will be much slower! 

I'm linking to my regular linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, Main Crush Monday and To Do Tuesday. (I'll be popping back in to see if these bloggers post this week.)  I had a great time looking at folk's blogs last week.  I hope you'll join me at looking around the Net this week to see what is new! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. good for you for pulling out an old project to's the upside of corona virus i'd say...i think the darker sashing makes the blocks more noticeable and stand out more...

  2. Walter is adorable! Blogger is giving me headaches, too. It refuses to show the information in the right hand column. I’ve tried different themes and layout, but it’s a no go. Sigh

  3. Hi Bonnie! Oh goodness. This timeless project from the 90s is so darn cute. My two littles (2- and 1-years-old) would LOVE it. They both say woof woof whenever they see a dog. Or even a small pony, for that matter. HAHA! Wally is adorable and Cassie looks like she tolerates him well. Love this! Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Walter is pretty darn cute! Your dog blocks are fun, too. Looks like they're going together nicely!

  5. Hi,
    Love the dog quilt, beautiful. Walter/Wally is a cutie..I don't like the new blogger...they always want to change's suppose to be "new and improved" I didn't see anything wrong with the old one...too bad they don't take our input...have a great day!

  6. Hot diggity dog! Those blocks are starting to come together, and Wally is such a cutie. Sounds like he's a new dog that will have no trouble learning new tricks :)

  7. Your dog quilt is really coming along! Wally is adorbs! New Blogger--hmmm! I'm use to dragging & dropping photos but now they take a lot more work to get them up! Plus, the font I was using changed. I'm banging my head, too!

  8. Your doggy quilt is starting to come together, that has to feel good. Good luck with all your to do's this week.

  9. all your fabric doggies! Each and every one is so very sweet. I am loving how you are playing with the arrangement. As for Wally, what a beautiful fellow with the sweetest of faces. I smiled at the photo of Wally and Cassie sweet.


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