
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

To Do Tuesday (evening edition!)

I've liked moving my To Do List (or goals as I call it...) to Tuesday evening.  It feels like I have a couple of extra days to get things done.  For some reason it didn't help me all that much this week.  Sigh. Here's last week's list and my successes (and failures just-didn't-finishes.) 


Quilt another one of my quilts and bind it -- didn’t happen

Bind last week’s quilt✔️

Finish all Migrating Geese blocks, start sewing blocks together✔️ the 5 columns are sewn together. Unfortunately I need to buy some fabric to go with them before I can continue.

Start a new baby quilt✔️ Here are the fabrics I pulled. I finished cutting out the center of parts.

It's hard to see but at the very top are two different fabrics I'm considering for the thin border between the blocks and the main border that will be the bunny fabric. The bunnies are a browned grey -- hard to find that exact color in the stash. I'll keep you posted. 

Finish Wonky Family quilt Progress made but not done yet. See below for a peak at the almost finished quilt. 

And here's what I'll be working on this week.


Quilt one of my quilts

Begin customer’s quilt

Finish baby quilt top

Quilt Wonky Family quilt

Pick a new UFO and start working on it 

They seem doable to me.  I finally have purchased a new tablet for Ruthie, the long arm.  I have had some annoying problems with her although the issues had work arounds and I put up with them for quite a while before I found out what might really be causing them. The computer was 6 years old and had 2 MB Ram.  Not really enough for the upgrade from several years ago.  Hopefully my tech guru will be able to set up the new tablet and get all the programs and data moved and I will be good to go.  I want to try it on one of my quilts first, rather than a customer quilt. I may be singing and dancing by next week if this works. 

thought I'd share a tip I read in a Facebook group.  It makes so much sense to me. Someone recommended putting a weight on your ruler when cutting. Oh yea! That really helped me. So I now keep this 5 lb weight on my cutting table and plop it on a ruler when I start cutting. Hey, and I get a little weight lifting done too. 

And, now an amazing accomplishment this week that was on my To Do list for months and months though never done.  First, here's the before picture, circa April, 2020 in the midst of sewing face masks. 

My cutting table is big enough to have 2 cutting areas.  See the purple mat behind the front section?  I almost always have that cleared off so I have someplace to cut. But the front section often becomes the repository of stuff - especially scraps, things I didn't want to deal with right away and junk.  Fast forward several more months and the stack of blocks (shark block on top) had been put away, or did they get put into a top? The ties for the masks had been used or put away.  New things had been piled up.  I decided it really was time to clear off the mess! 

Ahhh. It is usable again. I actually put things away (or threw away) and dusted all the threads and dust bunnies off. That's the top of the Wonky Family quilt.  
Hopefully it won't take long to finish it. 

Not a bad week at all. I'm pleased I got several projects moved forward.  I finished a couple of books. (I was tickled to listen to Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen that came out last week.  Lucky me! I was the first one to reserve it and the library got it right after I put my reserve in.) 

Here are the linky parties I have (or will be) linking to: To Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, and Needle and Thread Thursday. Take a look at what's going on in Blog land. (So, posting Tuesday night works for me but I won't be able to link to the other blogs until Wed and Thursday.) 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The fabrics for the baby quilt are lots of fun! I love the bunnies! Great job cleaning up your cutting area, too - I need to do that. I start working on it, and end up playing with the scraps I find!

  2. A fun baby quilt on deck! Thanks for the tip about using a weight on the ruler. I’m going to try that. You have a great useable cutting station. To be able to walk all around would be a plus! See you next week!

  3. Thanks for sharing the tip about the weights. I’m moving mine to the sewing room today!

  4. Hi Bonnie! Those fabrics you've pulled are so darn cute. I love that green and red with the print. Perfection! WOWEE! Amazing transformation on your cutting area and what a fabulous area to keep all your fabrics organized and stored. Great tip about the weight on the ruler. Hmm. I might get my arm muscles in shape, too. HAHA! Thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. My friend uses a dumbbell and so I tried it. What a huge difference!

  6. What sweet bunny & coordinating fabrics for the baby quilt. Neat tip to use the weight on the ruler. Have a fun week with that cleaned area to work in! Oh, and pulling a 'new' UFO to work on? Sigh, I made the decision to start some new quilts for the end of this year and UFOs will be waiting a while. I did have a good start on them for the first half of the year!

  7. Your studio looks so much more clean and tidy! It's so satisfying to get it looking that way, isn't it? The bunnies are super cute! I've never seen that fun holiday fabric before. Candy canes and bunnies together :)

  8. love those bunnies! excellent clear off job

  9. I just got some things re-organized and put away, but still need to class up my closet! It's a mess.

  10. I like the idea of using a weight on the ruler! Your work area looks so good and inviting!

  11. You had a good week last week, hopefully you've been able to move a few things from this week's list along already.

  12. A cleared-off cutting table is a sight to behold! (I like the blue formica, too.) I enjoyed reading Squeeze Me--hope the narration did justice to the tale!


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