
Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday Meandering 11 - 23 - 2020

Last week I asked what have I been doing? Time seems to slip away without much of an imprint on me. The question is valid this week too.  I haven't done much that is photo worthy, well unless you think a photo of me lounging on the couch reading a book is photo worthy!  Let's start with the goals list.  Overall it looks pretty good.


Finish  cutting and stabilizing T Shirts - audition sashing fabrics ✔️

Border baby quilt✔️

Continue purple basket ✔️ well I sewed some more strips on 

Quilt a charity quilt for local guild✔️

Vacuum studio floor; clean off surfaces ✔️ everything but surfaces... 

Cut more Easy Breezy blocks & Snowball blocks to use as leader/enders Does 1 count? 

Not too bad considering I didn't feel like I got that much done.


Quilt 2 more charity quilts

Quilt 1 of my quilts 

Order sashing fab for T shirt quilt

Finish cutting out Dalmatians quilt blocks and start sewing 

What wasn't on my goal list last week was cutting the fabrics for the Dalmatian quilt. I'm about half way through but it looks like I'm needing to add some fabrics. No problems with the black and whites but I sure don't have much left in the reds. I hope in the next day or two to make a sample block so I know it works. (I assume it does since the person who posted the pattern info had also made one, but it's better to be safe than sorry.) 

Here's the charity quilt I'll be starting on today: 

It's an interesting quilt but not my color choices.  It's ready to be quilted after I get the quilting design entered into the computer.  Maybe some time today I'll get it started. 

Linky parties today: Oh Scrap!, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. (Hopefully I'll remember to return to link to this party.) 

Happy Thanksgiving

There's a sad tale of this cute turkey decoration...  Even though he was chained to the small tree he was vandalized.  All that was left was the chain and the legs.  This was pretty surprising since we live in an active senior development that has gates that are closed overnight. Maybe it was a mishap with a lawn mower rather than being vandalized.  

Happy Quilting All!   Bonnie 


  1. The charity quilt looks very Gwennie. (That is, Gwen Marston, whose work I admire -- I have most of her books -- but haven't actually done.)

  2. The turkey is cute: I’m saddened that he didn’t survive whatever attacked him.

  3. I'm curious about the dalmatian quilt, having had a dalmatian years ago! So kind of you to quilt the charity quilts, too - even when it isn't something you might have chosen to make. Someone's going to love it!

  4. I like the design on the charity quilt and agree that those wouldn't necessarily be my color choices. But color is such a personal thing; I'm sure that quilt will find just the right person to love it. Sorry about your turkey! The legs are my favorite part of the bird, but the thief must just like white meat :)

  5. Sorry that the adorable turkey was vandalized. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving during this social distancing period.

  6. Sitting on the couch reading a book is a great way to spend time, Bonnie, especially if you had rainy, grey weather (which is what we've had several days this week). I think you got a lot done, actually. I love the charity quilt. So sorry to hear about your turkey. He's so cute -- was so cute! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  7. Hi Bonnie! Not much accomplished??!! Everything on your list has a checkmark next to it. I'd say that's pretty darn productive. WHO would vandalize a turkey decoration????? That's just mean. Geez. I'm looking forward to seeing your Dalmatian quilt - I'm rather partial to that breed. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. {{Hugs}} And thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Wow! You've really been busy! I love your charity quilt! Poor Turkey! Have a great week!

  9. Congrats on all the progress. And stopping to read a good book should count as progress. Sometimes you have to stop and clear the sewing palette to come back to the sewing room with more energy. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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