
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Monday Meandering 2 - 8 -2021

Another snowstorm!  We had a few inches last Sunday.  We had some more inches this Sunday.  Neither one required much work to clear but they were both fun to watch.  The grands all enjoyed some serious sledding.  I spent time in the studio during the weather events. 

First up let's see what the goals list looks like.  It's not a great picture! 


Straighten cutting table, vacuum floor. Put fabric away ☑️ Some done but not finished. The Cutting table needs to be cleaned more.

Finish purple basket ☑️ Finally! See pics below

Make more RWB Ohio Star blocks☑️ 4 done.  Not sure how many I'm working toward.

Quilt one of my quilts. Didn’t do anything.

Yellow RSC blocks and/or table runner - I’ve got an idea so its a start!  

Here's my purple basket. I decided a while ago to make cloth baskets to hold my colored scraps.  This is a different pattern but it looks like it will work just fine.  

Here are the two finished ones on the shelf.  (Hum, I need to move the books as I make more of these baskets.)  I wonder what color I should do next?

It took a bit to figure out what I need to do this coming week.  The biggest news is the t shirt quilt is now a top.  I forgot to put it on the list last week but  the quilting definitely will be on this week.  I've got a couple more quilts coming in for customers soon.  It's nice to do quilts for others but I also like my sewing time for me. Here's what I'm planning to work on this week. 


Quilt T Shirt Quilt

Work on Yellow table runner

Make some RSC blocks (yellow also)

Finish cleaning the cutting table 

What did look great this past month is my fabric usage.  I used more than I brought in! Whoopee!  I'm curious how you account for wide backs since I bought 4 yards this month?  Last year I decided I would add just one yard in but only count one yard used even if I got 2 smaller quilts on the width.  This year I'm trying something different.  I'm going to count each wide back yard as 2 yards.  It seems more realistic to me.  I'll see how I like it (and whether it's difficult to figure it out) this year and maybe adjust it next year. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out Month

Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







That should do it for this week's goal. I'm linking up to these Linky Parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. Enjoy surfing this week. 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. It sounds like you got a lot accomplished this week. I love reading your goal list each week. I like to write my goals down as well. The purple basket turned out fantastic and can not wait to see your next. I hope you did well with your vaccination shot. Have a very blessed week and happy quilting.

  2. Nice baskets! And nice to see the check marks on your list.

  3. cute baskets and great color coding idea....

  4. It’s a great idea to have colored baskets for scraps. My sewing room is tiny, so I wouldn’t have room for that system.

  5. Love the baskets! And what a cool idea!


  6. Hi Bonnie! Snow! Oh yes, we've had more than enough now but more is coming in tonight and tomorrow. Your purple basket looks so cute and nice next to that red one, which is quite full already! Do you plan to make one of most colors? Aha - a t-shirt quilt. I enjoy making those but they are a lot of work. I hope we get to see it all finished next week (or shortly thereafter, anyway). Thanks so much for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Nice job on your purple scrap basket, Bonnie! What pattern did you use?


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