
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Monday Meanderings 2 - 15 - 2021

Winter has really arrived in the Mid-Atlantic states.  Last Monday my iPhone showed this for our weather. Supposedly 7 snowy days out of 9 days.  Luckily we didn't have that much snow.  We had snow on Thursday.  Not too bad.  Then a bit of rain on Friday with more snow overnight. And Saturday it was mostly sleet with snow during the day.  Nothing is really melting yet.  But it will be as there is only one day this week showing snow/rain.  I guess it will depend on when it starts raining if it becomes snow.  

I spent most of the weekend stitching.  But I did snap this quick photo out of my french doors in my basement studio.  We haven't seen this much ice and snow for years.

On to how I did on my goals last week: 

Quilt T Shirt Quilt☑️
Work on Yellow table runner☑️
Make some RSC blocks (yellow also)☑️
Finish cleaning the cutting table ☑️

No pictures yet of the T shirt quilt but the quilting was done by noon on Saturday.  One day this past week I pulled out the bits  of yellow and white units.  I laid out what I had and came up with an idea for a 3 block table runner.  (Yes, I like smaller runners as we keep our table small unless we have a crowd.)  I did get a few other blocks made too.  So, overall, I was really happy with what I finished this past week.  I've got several more blocks cut out ready to be sewn too. That left me more than enough time to really clean up my cutting table on Sunday. 

This is how it looked Sunday around 3:00 pm.  Truth be told I started working on my table runner again and I left all sorts of yellow and white fabrics on the purple cutting mat and something on the grey one too.  The AccuQuilt cutter was opened again and used. I've promised myself that I would clean it all up again when I finish the runner.  Time will tell!  

Now for this coming week: 


Bind T shirt quilt

Finish piecing yellow table runner

Quilt one of my quilts

Start another basket

Stitch up RSC yellow blocks and FCQ Equilter's blocks 

My guess is I'll probably do more but this list is what I really want to get done.  I need to decide on what project I should work on next.  It might make sense to work on a UFO so I'll look through my list and see what strikes my fancy. 

NEWS FLASH:  I forgot an entire quilt when I reported my January stashbusting statistics.  It was my Wild Snowball quilt that I posted on February 1. (You can also see what my cutting table looked like before the big clean up in the same post.) It added another 4.25 yards.  Here are the new statistics. It made the month look even better than it was!  I'm hoping I don't succumb to buying any fabric this month.  I've succeeded for half a month. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out Month

Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







That's it for this week.  I'm linking with my regular parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday*.  * I'll link up on Tuesday hopefully but will see if I remember. Plus the linky party is being moved to another blog.  I'll let you know where it is then.  Thanks to the gals at Home Sewn by Us for hosting To Do Tuesday for quite a long time.  And thanks, also, to Chris at Chris Knits for taking on the linky party.

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 



  1. Each week I endeavor to not buy more fabric I fail! LOL. I am trying to clean up my surfaces after each sewing session, but there's a bit of pile up going on with some of the surfaces!

  2. Your sewing room is a dream! You've had good stash usage this year already - congratulations. And congratulations for completing all your goals from last week too.

  3. Wow - you have a wonderful cutting table. But even more room to make a mess I suppose. I had to laugh when I followed the link to the messy version. I just cleaned up my cutting station too, and it will only stay neat until the next fun of cutting something new.

  4. It is nearly impossible to keep a tidy sewing room. The minute I start a new project, the piles appear. My sister has a similar set up as yours in her Sweat Shop.

  5. My cutting table is piled high AGAIN this week, though occasionally it does reappear. I'm cutting a lot of different fabrics for a scrappy quilt and that always makes a big mess.

  6. It has been the perfect sewing weather in NoVA too. That icicle picture is so winter wonderland, I can almost see Cinderella's glass slipper beyond. I am glad you took a picture of the cleaned up studio space. You know it never lasts long :-D

  7. Sounds like a very busy week you have planned . I can not wait to see your t-shirt quilt. I have my daughter's sports t-shirts saved for just a project. With the chances of snow in the forecast, it sounds like perfect weather for you to stay in and get a lot of quilting done. Stay warm and safe, Bonnie and Happy quilting.

  8. Thanks for linking up to To-Do! Is your table still cleared? LOL

  9. It seems the weather people like to create weather drama! I always say whatever the predicted snow amount is, take the lesser of the two numbers and divide by 2! What panto did you use on your t-shirt quilt?

  10. You got a lot done in a week. Nice job. We had very similar weather.

  11. You had a good week last week, hope this week has been as good. It's been a very snowy winter here this year. I'm ready for spring!


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