
Sunday, April 25, 2021

Monday Meanderings 4 - 26 - 2021

 Need I say more?

On the last load in the drier yesterday hubby smelled smoke or so it seemed.  And, the drier didn't start up again. He also found some water that had leaked from the washer.  YUCK and Double Yuck.  This morning we decided it might be time to buy a new washer & drier. He did the research to find the best brand for our needs. We have a countertop over our w/d that we wanted to keep. So off to a big box store to check out the washer.  Um, except it wasn't a really popular model so it wasn't available to check out. But it could be delivered next week. Except, we wanted the drier too -- but it wouldn't come in until mid June. Laundromats flashed in my head.  In the end we decided to have them delivered at the same time. Pat would try to make the fix he'd found on You Tube.  Wow!  My hero. He succeeded making the repair on the "board." (Think computer board.)  So the drier works but we don't know for how long. I'm looking forward to June.  My take on the whole thing:  Washers and driers have really gotten big.  I thought ours were huge. HA!  Not at all compared to the gargantuan ones being sold now. Maybe our laundry has just gotten smaller.  No kids in the house does make a difference. 

I thought I'd share some photos of the patriotic top I quilted a week or so ago. I don't know who made it but it was quilted for Virginia Star Quilters.  It's being given to a veteran soon.  

And how about an up close of the quilting?
You can click on all pictures in this blog and they should enlarge.  I was not too pleased with this quilting design. I probably won't use it again.  There was a lot of back stitching, ie the design goes back over lines that have been stitched before it can continue quilting.  And, in certain places the lines of the stars didn't meet.  Will anyone notice?  Probably not. I shouldn't be surprised because that is exactly how the pdf of the pattern looks. I doubt I'll use it again.  I've got a lot more star options and I'll just use one of them.

I'm happy to admit I got all my goals done last week! Whopee! It was a short list but I knew each item would take some time. 


Make April table runnerSee it on Friday's post.

Bind Space CharmsFinished except the label.

Finish making R, W, B blocks, start sewing together Blocks are in rows.

I went back to some previous goal lists and added some of my unfinished projects to this list. I'm hoping I can finish a couple to the top stage.  And, maybe a new basket too. 


Sew RWB rows together. Do I border? 

Quilt and bind one of my quilts 

Lay out and sew 1 Happy Blocks quilt 

Continue working on green basket 

It's later than normal and it's time to wrap this up and add the linky parties.  If you have time I hope you will visit a few of my favorites:  Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. (I'll be back to link up to the rest of the blogs as they come available. I've even been succeeding at that!)  Happy Surfing! 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. I am so glad the laundry crisis as been adverted for awhile and hope you get your new appliances soon. Such a pretty patriotic quilt you have been working on Bonnie. Great job on completing your to do list too. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  2. I was only partly joking when I said I got married so I wouldn't have to use laundromats any longer. Hope Pat's temporary fix Tides you over. When the new appliances have come you can Cheer All the time. (That Duz it! Wish me away!)

  3. Your quilting is lovely on that patriotic quilt. Hope the fix will get your dryer working until the new one arrives. Appliances are difficult to get right now. One of our daughters ended up buying a dented floor model freezer when they had to replace their old one quickly.

  4. I'm glad that Pat made the fix! you tube to the husband says you can find anything on you tube! Your quilting looks good on the QOV but I understand if it's 'not a go to' panto. Kudos to you for trying it out!

  5. Fingers crossed that the dryer fix lasts until the new units are delivered and that a laundromat is not in your future. Great job on the QOV.


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