
Sunday, May 9, 2021

Monday Meanderings 5 - 10 - 2021

Happy Mother's Day  

I spent the day happily working playing in the studio.  Both of my children called so we had great chats.  It's always fun to catch up.  

Friday afternoon I drove down to the Richmond area and made a stop at Quilter's Corner. I got there just as a huge cloud unloaded rain for at least an hour and included some lightning and thunder.  I was happily searching the store for some fabric to make a new wall hanging. I found some great batik and made the purchase.  The rain had slowed quite a bit so no big deal driving out to my friend's house.  Dorothy is a certified Studio 180 teacher.  She has the most beautiful quilts hanging around her house.  It was like a personal quilt show to see what she's been making over the last few years. 

Early the next morning we went to our guild meeting (Country Piecemakers in Powhatan.)  It was a lot of fun to catch up with friends I hadn't seen since July. After the meeting Dorothy got started on giving us lots of hints and help to make a LeMoyne Star block using Deb Tucker's Rapid Fire LeMoyne Star tool.  

I should have finished one star in the appx 3 hours we were working on it but I made a major mistake -- I forgot to trim the points before I tried to sew them together.  Out came Jack to do his thing.  I did succeed in getting half a star finished.  We didn't have lunch and I was getting hangry so decided I would finish at home.  A quick fast food lunch and back on the road to home. 

Here's my finished star.  If you look carefully you'll notice the center doesn't come together as well as it should.  It's very close.  But, I'm not redoing it.  I think the next one I make will finish at 12". The one shown is 8". The previous one I made was 6.  I'm thinking of using the colors of the polka dots to make more stars.  There is a pattern that comes with the tool that uses a bunch of different size stars together. I suppose I should keep making some so I get better at matching the points. 

On to my goals this week.  Um, not quite successful there.  I really didn't count in the fact that I would be gone for a day and a half when I set these goals.  Oh well.  Here's last weeks: 


Border doggy tumbler

Quilt and bind one of my quilts 

Start cutting-table clean up ✔️ started but a little more to do

Put together green scrap basket

Pull a UFO to work on — nothing done  

Here's a sneak peek of the bunny quilt I finished quilting.  Binding will go on this  coming week I hope. 

I finally finished the green basket for my fabric scraps.

Would someone please tell me how come the green scraps are overflowing but the others aren't?  Maybe because I use more of the other scraps. (Odd note -- I have very few green quilts.) 

I'm looking forward to my friend Sharon coming up on Friday.  We will be knee deep in talking, quilting and having fun.  Here are some of the things I hope to work on this week. 


Begin red table runner 

Pull a UFO to work on

Quilt daughter Jenny’s quilt

Bind a bunny quilt 

I'm worn out so will end here with my favorite Monday linky parties: Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. I'll try again to hit up To Do Tuesday. Shame on me for forgetting!  Done!  Join the parties and let's start surfing. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Sounds like a fun day in the studio for Mother's Day and what a delight to be able to visit with other quilters. Such a pretty Lemoyne Star block and the bunny block is adorbs. You were awfully busy this past week . Love reading your to do list for this week. Happy quilting, Bonnie.

  2. Perfection is overrated! Love the star block and your colorful scrap baskets!

  3. I love your pretty colorful scrap baskets. I would never discipline myself to stop and use them when they got full, I'd need HUGE baskets, haha. I think your LeMoyne star looks great!

  4. I love green but I think it's better as an accent than as an entire quilt.

  5. The star looks amazing. Sew glad you had a fun road trip and class.

  6. It does make a difference on your to-do list when you're gone for a day or two, but the fun you had was worth it, I'm sure! I think your star looks good, and love that green scrap basket, too.

  7. Hi Bonnie! It sounds like you had a fabulous Mother's Day! And shopping in a quilt store?!! Isn't that just so fun to be able to do again?! God bless them for being able to stay open. I just LOVE your LeMoyne star. Those polka dots (I always favor them!) are just the best with that pretty green. Wrap it up with the royal blue and you have the perfect block. Definitely make more of them! Good luck with this week's to-do list. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. Love the bunny quilting! And great job finishing and working on things. Thanks for linking up with To-Do!

  9. Beautiful quilting, Bonnie and I love your scraps baskets. Good lucky with your goals for this week.

  10. The star center is certainly close enough! And I love that little bunny! Good luck on the to-do's!

  11. Your star block looks fabulous to me! I've thought of making those colored scrap baskets - but first I have to sew through more fabric to make room on my shelves! LOL! You did great on your To Do List!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.