
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Monday Meandering 6 - 14 - 2021

 Look who came to visit this weekend!  

This is Cassie, our granddog.  She's the only pup left from the original 4 dogs owned by our kids and/or us.  Kevin's family is vacationing this week so we agreed to take her.  She is about 14 years old and slow.  Although she goes with Pat for an hour walk in the mornings and seems to keep up with him.  I take her for a shorter walk in the evenings.  We don't usually let dogs on our couch but she is getting special permission. (It helps that she doesn't move the sheet around on the couch especially since it is a new couch.) 

Here's what I was working on this weekend -- my Remade Log Cabin.  Knowing I started out June with a ridiculously large fabric purchase I decided it made sense to pick a bigger top to quilt this weekend.  I already had half the backing -- only bought 3 yards to have enough.  Whatever is left of the black backing is probably going to be the binding...unless I decide on a red binding instead. I've finished 4 rows and have 5 more to go.  I should finish it up Monday or Tuesday.  

So what does my goal list look like this week? Not too bad actually. 


Make more Positivity blocks✅  Several are cut out and about 8 are done.

Prep backing and quilt Remade Log Cabin -- in progress.

Figure fabric acquisition and usage for May

Decide and start next quilt top — decided the ombré log cabin is my new quilt. 

Make some ombre log cabin blocks I think I have 9 finished. I might make a queen size quilt with these time will tell.

And here's this week's list.


Finish quilting Remade Log Cabin, figure amt of fabric used. 

More Ombré Log Cabins

More Positivity blocks

More string blocks 

Nothing new, these are all repeats.  But I am making progress on all the different blocks I'm working on.  They actually work well making 1 block of each type at the same time. The string blocks are mostly being done as leader/enders. 

Here's my linky parties for the beginning of this week. Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, and To Do Tuesday. Have fun surfing. (I'll be back to link up the last two after they are posted.)

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. That remade log cabin looks very interesting!!! Can't wait to see the full quilt! and your baby....she looks like she belongs there ;-)

  2. very nice log cabin...a biggie so should bust a lot of stash...

  3. Cassie looks like a sweetheart, especially snuggled upon the sofa. This is a busy week, so I doubt I’ll get much done.

  4. How nice to have a visitor who provides an opportunity for gentle exercise. The quilt is lively! And yes, red binding.

  5. The doggie visitor looks very sweet. And the quilt - just beautiful.

  6. I like the wonky tippy log cabins! And I might be a tad jealous of your beautiful teal machine!! Although mine is purple and I love purple;)

  7. Love, love, love the Log cabin!!! Beautiful!


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