
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Monday Meanderings 6 - 7 - 2021

The first Monday in June. Our weather went from cool and rainy to humid and hot during the last week. I'm not much interested in going out although I have still been walking most evenings. Tonight was a rather short walk but if it cools down I'll get back to a half hour or so. Honestly, who wants to walk when they can quilt?

I don't have all that much to show you yet. So I'm showing you what's on my design wall. The top two blocks are string blocks that will go to one of the FCQ Equilters between now and August 1.  She had us use the directions from Lori Holt's Sew Your Stash Series #3 - 8" Scrappy Stings Block Tutorial on YouTube. They are really easy and fast. I like that Lori suggests using strips 1.5" to 2.5" and possibly all the way up to 3".  I've made a start on 3 more. I may have to make some for me too. It's a great way to use up some scraps. 

Below the string blocks is my one and only Positivity Block.  (See the badge on the upper right?  Click on it and you'll go directly to Preeti's Positivity Sew Along.) I may already be behind!  I've decided I'm going to go with green + signs and both light and dark background.  The background will be a variety of fabrics. Keep tuned to see more Positivity blocks show up. 

As much as I have been trying to control how much fabric I have coming into the studio I've been failing miserably recently.  You'll notice I even have a to do item on my goals list so I can figure out how much fabric came in and went out in May.  It's not going to look good.  

OOPS.  I may have gone a little wild for June already.  I belong to It's an online group for people who want to buy and sell items for sewing. Unfortunately I do pay attention to what is offered each day.  Generally I am not the first person to respond to an item so I don't often buy stuff (mostly fabric.) But last week I noticed an offer right after it was posted and it was too good to pass up.  It was for a kit which included all the fabric for the top and binding and the pattern.  I wasn't that interested in the pattern although it is nice.  But there was more than 11 yards of fabric for $55 and that included postage.  I checked the picture out and realized it was Moda Ombre Confetti Metallic by Vanessa Christenson of V and Co.  I jumped at the chance. I'm not sure why but the seller offered it at $50 if I wanted it. You bet. It arrived yesterday. See the beauties below.  Aren't they gorgeous.  

I found a Moda Bake Shop log cabin quilt using the fabric. (I'll wait why you take a look.)  I'm going to pick the brighter fabrics and make it. I'll probably use a variety of whites for the light side of the log cabins. (Um, I'm not sure whether I'll get on it right away or wait since I have 3 or 4 fabric groupings already picked for various patterns hanging around the studio now.)  Nah, I'll probably make one or two just to see how cute they are! Maybe I can show you next week. 

Since Monday is generally my Goals day let's see how I did.  Not bad at all. 


Prep & mail quilts for H2H.

Cut out and sew a new quilt

Finish blue basket — need to buy more Pellon Flex Foam 

Quilt another quilt

Sew a Patriotic Happy Quilt together

I was very happy to get all of the above done except finishing the blue basket.  That will be on hold until I break down and buy more Flex Foam.  I'm hoping to make two more after the blue one.  As I'm pulling scraps for the string blocks I find it is really easy to pull from the baskets.  I hope I'll make a bit of a dent as most of the finished baskets are pack full of scraps. 

And here's what's going to be done (hopefully) this week: 


Make more Positivity blocks

Prep backing and quilt Remade Log Cabin

Figure fabric acquisition and usage for May

Decide and start next quilt top 

Make some ombre log cabin blocks 

Hopefully I'll get everything on this list done.  Remember where I said I've already gone wild in June?  About that.  It dawned on me I need to have a big finish this month.  And the biggest quilt I have is the twin size Remade Log Cabin. The top is done and I have a big hunk of fabric for the backing.  Except it isn't enough for the whole backing. SIGH.  I went ahead and bought 3 yards of Kona in black from JoAnns to add to the big piece I already have. (It's hard to resist when Kona was already on sale and there was a 25% off if I ordered it for pick up. Score!)  After I wash the black, I'll cut it in half down the middle and attache it to both sides of the other fabric I have.  (think 40" plus 20 and 20 gives me a piece 80" wide by 108. The quilt is 70 by 90- something.) So that will be hitting Ruthie early this week. 

My week is going to be full.  The quilting group in the neighborhood is starting up again on Thursday. I hope to go with a pile of blocks cut out and ready to be made.

That's enough for today.  Here are my favorite beginning of the week linky parties. Go check them out! Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday and To Do Tuesday. ARGH I noticed I haven't been successful remembering to link up to To Do Tuesday.  Hopefully I will this week. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Great job getting started with strip blocks. I have a big basket of leftover strips--I need to start working on them. Those confetti fabrics are so colorful, and what a deal! I'm looking forward to the large quilt you're getting ready to quilt. And I'm with you--it's a struggle to walk when I can quilt!!!

  2. you are putting me to shame much progress! love the new stash...i caved as well...charm pack of luscious african fabrics from french connection...

  3. Great job on your goals last week! It’s been hotter than normal here as well, but today started out cloudy. I’m hoping for a slight reprieve. Love the kit fabrics. I’ve also purchased kits simply for the fabrics and not use the pattern.

  4. OMG I am so jealous of your fabric find!!! They are so pretty and yes you really should make that moda shop quilt, it's gorgeous!

  5. It has been raining off and on here today too. So I have tried to spend most of the day working on stitching and quilting. I love your striped pieced blocks and I have the Positivity block on the agenda. Have a wonderful week.

  6. I love those ombre metallic dots, too - nice find! The log cabin quilt is a really neat design, too. That should definitely go on your list!

  7. What a deal on that fabric! Looks like you were very successful and I am sure this week you will get just as much done! Thanks for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  8. Hi Bonnie,
    I slipped this week too, and bought a yard of fabric. It is so hard when I am in a store and see a lovely piece of fabric. I forget about all the fabrics at home. Your new $50 purchase will look great in the pattern you picked out. It doesn't look like a log cabin when I look at the whole quilt, but the blocks sure are, and I love the results. Hope you show us some log cabin blocks soon. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy


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