
Friday, June 25, 2021

Table Scraps Challenge -- Purple

It's the day before the last Saturday in June.  Do you know what that means?  Yep, time to share my Table Scraps Challenge piece for purple June.   Once again I decided to do a table runner AND to use Accuquilt dies that I've hardly used.   

Here are the dies I decided to use. These were part of a companion set for my 9" Cube.  These dies are no longer available in either of the current cube companion sets.  But you can get different sized Drunkard's Path dies if you have a Accucut cutter.  Mine are 5" cut, finished at 4.5". 

I made the blocks and then tried to decide how I would put them together. This arrangement was chosen. It was fun turning the quarter circles around trying to find a pleasing design.  I decided to add the corner triangles to get a different look for the border. Although this design is not in the book, I did get a lot of inspiration from John Kubiniec's book, A New Spin on Drunkard's Path.

As usual, I quilted this on my Bernina 635 with a walking foot.  I used a magenta colored Mettler PolySheen top thread with a Mettler cotton in the bobbin. 

I pulled a piece of fabric I've had for years (and years!) for the backing. I was happy to use it and I like the way it compliments the front. Oh yes, all fabric was from stash! 

We are only 6 months through the year long Table Scraps Challenge. I'm having a lot of fun making these small quilts and enjoying trying things I doubt I'd try on a larger quilt.  I wonder what our next color is going to be.  

Here's my list of linky parties for the weekend: Midweek Makers, Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop,  Finished or Not Friday, Beauties Pageant, Scrap Happy Saturday, and The Table Scraps Runner/Topper Challenge.  Wow. That's a lot of linky parties.  Enjoy seeing what is happening with quilters across the Internet. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 

A bit of technical info -- I find that my photos look great after I edit them in my Photos on my Mac.  But once I finish and publish my post they get darker.  Today I made an effort to really lighten and brighten my photos.  I'll evaluate this attempt after I post my blog.  Maybe they will have just the right lightness to make them look great. 


  1. Look at you go to town with a new purple runner and a creative layout to boot! Very interesting fabric you used for the pie part of the die.

  2. What a lovely design you came up with, and you managed to stay with one colour and still achieve contrast. Congratulations Bonnie!

  3. very pretty and innovative...drunkard's path is one of those very versatile patterns...

  4. I think your photos look really good, Bonnie! I have that same problem with Blogger darkening the photos, and have to edit them a lot. It is frustrating! Your purple tabkerunner is pretty! Great idea to use those dies and I love what you came up with.

  5. Your fabric choice and pattern is wonderful. If I didn't read your narrative, I wouldn't have guessed they were Drunkard's Path blocks. It's a beautiful spot of color to put on your table. Unfortunately, I didn't finish a table runner this month. I'll have to catch up by making 2 in July.

  6. SEW glad that you are having fun with using the TABLE SCRAPS Challenge to experiment with a variety of techniques, Bonnie! Thanks for joining the Link Party.

  7. Ohhh I like it!!! It is fun to not have to committ to something so big and try a new you to thing right? I like how this came out!!! Go you!!

  8. Beautifully done! It's a very interesting design, you did really well designing an unusual, but effective setting.

  9. It turned out lovely, even better with the quilting.

  10. I love how the front and back of your runner complement each other. It's really two runners in one! And adding the corners to the Drunkard's Path blocks makes such wonderful border.

  11. Thank you! I never thought to use the accuquilt dies to try little projects for this challenge. I just got 4 new ones so maybe I have a plan for the next 4 months! Thanks... and drunkard path is one of my new ones.


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