
Saturday, September 4, 2021

Sigh, Nothing Finished

Usually I have a finish for the Finished (or Not) Friday.  Not this week.  I'm sewing but I don't seem to have much progress to report.  But I do have some pictures! 

Big Stars are a direct response to this post by Nancy at Wyoming Breezes.  I have a quilt (ok, probably a UFO) that I made with various 4 patches.  The shoebox I stored the 2.5" squares still held quite a few 4 patches and I began sewing more together.  

A little later I got to thinking about one of the project boxes I have that was labeled 16 patches.  Upon looking in it I found at least 6 16 patches with red and white/cream squares and a few with blue and white/cream squares.  And a bunch of blue and light strips sewn together.  I realized that years ago I had requested those blocks from the FCQ Equilters and I had already made one quilt from them. Looking at the bounty of blocks I knew I would use them to make Nancy's stars.  They make huge 16" blocks so it will only take 12 and more than half of the 16 patches were done.  

On to the star points.  I took out my trusty Wing Clipper from Studio 180 and got to work.  Evidently I didn't pay attention correctly at one point. OOPS! 
I haven't decided whether I'll be working on these while I work on my Ombre Log Cabins or not.  I'm going to a retreat at the end of September and I like to have projects all cut out and ready to sew.  I may just cut out everything for the other 10 star points and finish them and the top at retreat. 

On other fronts I decided it was time to start up Ruthie and see if she will work for me.  I loaded this cute tumbler top I made with leftover doggy fabric. The first row did fine but the next one has balked.  It won't stitch.  I'll be contacting the company that did the electronics that connect the computer to the long arm and order some new cables and 2 different circuit boards. I'm hoping it will be resolved with a new cable.  Luckily there is no deadline for this little quilt. 

I've been spending a lot of time reading this last week.  The one I'm almost finished with that really struck me is The Premonition by Michael Lewis.  I'm usually not a huge fan of nonfiction but this book reads more like fiction. It is based on real people and the real beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic. In many ways it shocks me -- how inept America's response has been -- way more so than just the last administration's bumbling and denying. The American public health services have been vastly underfunded for years. The for-profit health providers (think hospitals, labs, pharmaceutical and insurance companies) really aren't benefiting people -- they are in it for money. It's a fast read and is only 300 pages (my copy. Although Amazon says it 320 pages.) It's well worth the time and has done a great job keeping my interest.  

I need to get back to sewing.  I'm linking up with Can I Get a Whoop, Whoop?, Finished (Or Not) Friday, and Beauties Pageant. Take some time to check them out.  

Happy Quilting All,  Bonnie 


  1. no finish? bad girl...LOL...sometimes it happens

  2. Wow! You accomplished more than I did last week! Love your blocks! I read The Premonition as soon as it came out and I can't stop recommending it. Have a safe and happy weekend!

  3. Sorry to hear that Ruthie is still being temperamental. I found a fabulous pattern that uses 16 patch stars. It’s called, Showering Stars by Robin Pickens - check it out. I can’t wait to try the pattern.

  4. Glad you found a use for your patch blocks! Your doggie tumbler quilt is a cute one.

  5. Your Saw Tooth Stars look fabulous and I got tickled with your Ooops one - lol how many times have I done the same thing. Your little tumbler quilt is just too cute. Have a great week and happy quilting.

  6. Those star blocks are quite pretty - even tho.. haha - mistakes happen ;-)


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