
Friday, October 15, 2021

Not a Finish Friday!

No, I didn't finish a quilt this week but I have moved two projects forward.  I put the borders on the Economy blocks but I'm saving that picture until Monday. What I'm sharing is getting all of the 16  patch sawtooth star blocks finished.  And the layout was pretty easy decision. 

First, here's what a pile of unfinished Flying Geese blocks looks like. These are ready to be cut in half and then ironed to look like Flying Geese then trimmed with Studio 180 Wing Clipper ruler. Easy peasy to make exactly the right size units. 

See below to see what they looked like while I was deciding about putting in a sashing.  It definitely looks good with the blue sashing using a nice blue from my stash.  I had some red but it just didn't go with the various colors of reds in the blocks.  The blue makes it sparkle.  Now the question is what size sashing.  I'm thinking a 2" finished sashing would work well plus it would make the whole quilt a bit bigger to fit size requirements of Leashes of Valor.  (Click on the link to learn more about this program with the motto "One Leash Saves two Lives.") One other question.  I have 2 blocks that definitely have beige in the Sawtooth units.  My thought is to  not try to "match" the locations as shown below.  I'm thinking of putting the bottom one in the 3 row down second block in.  What do you think? 

I'll be working on the blocks probably next week as I have a bit of Halloween embroidering to do.  Guess what I bought today! 

Hint -- I was at Joann today and took advantage of a buy 3 get two free sale.  Another hint -- it's really dark in the laundry room which we walk through from the garage. Have you figured it out?  Ok, there are 3 spools of glow in the dark thread in the bag.  I got such a kick out of the bag glowing away when we walked into the house I had to take a picture.  Hopefully Monday I can share some Halloween t shirts going to the grands later this week. 

Here's are the blogs I'm linking up with today. 

Lots of inspiration in those blogs.  See if you can find a project you might want to start soon! 

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 


  1. Blue sashing does make the stars pop. I think red is a very difficult color to match and to coordinate. LOL, the photo of the glowing bag is fun!

  2. Sounds like a very busy week, Bonnie. Great job on getting those flying geese prepped and Love the blue sashing. I agree it will make the blocks pop. Lol I could not figure out what you bought . How fun and the thread does glow good in the dark. I can not wait to see you Halloween projects. Have a great weekend.

  3. Yes I think your relocation of that bottom beige block would work good. Love the blue sashing.

  4. Your 16 patch sawtooth starts are SO pretty! I agree on the size of the sashing and the relocation of the beige block. LOL on that thread - wow!

  5. congrats on moving your projects forward! I think the block will look good wherever you place it in the quilt!! I had blocks arranged one way on my design wall but when I sewed it together...the block flipped!

  6. Love the glowing threads!!! I don't get the leashes of valor--they need quilts?

  7. I love your star blocks! The blue sashing looks wonderful and I think your plan for the other beige block works. The glowing threads really work, I didn’t know they were like that! Hugs,

  8. oh my gosh!! Glow in the dark thread!! love it!
    I really like the blue sashing on those blocks - I like the idea of 2 inches finished.

  9. I am the glow in dark thread. I agree about the sashing. Will you add cornerstones too?


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.