
Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Meanderings 11 - 22 - 2021

Do you remember what happened on this date in 1963?  I was in junior high school that day and I remember it pretty vividly.  Our president was assassinated.  It's hard to realize that was almost 60 years ago. 

Not so vivid in my memory is what I should have been working on this past week.  Although, surprisingly I did get to check off most of the items. Here's last week's goals. 


Quilt Jenny's quilt

Border friendship stars

Sew ombré blocks together — hum stated wrong, I’m still making the blocks and I did get 2 done

Clear off the right side of design wall — started but no where near finished

Figure out turquoise blocks — this one is on the far back burner 

Keep making string blocks — Can you say leader ender? 

Here's the friendship stars quilt.  The stars were made each month as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

Because this is hanging over the ironing station you can't see the top row of light stars. This quilt makes me smile.  In the back of my head I'm trying to decide what I will do for the 2022 RSC.  The only thing I'm thinking so far is I want a larger block -- say 9" finished so I can use my Accuquilt Go Cube to cut the blocks. Time will tell. 

Now this week's goals. 


Make doll dress

Trim and bind Dino quilt

Quilt small quilt of mine

Keep making string blocks

Embroider last t shirt for the grands* 

Finish clearing off right side of design wall 

*I embroider Christmas motifs on T shirts most years (along with Halloween and sometimes Valentine's Day.)  Notice it says last shirt. Yep, I've already finished 3 of the 4 shirts.  See Theo's and Ellie's below. 

This is Merry Rexmas from Urban Threads.  I think Theo is going to like that dinosaur. Are you an embroiderer?  Do you mix thread types in your stitch-outs?  I've got several different brands of thread and a mix of poly and rayon threads.  I generally go with the closest color. 

Hum, this didn't get done until early evening so this picture is not as bright as I wish it was.  This one is Feline Festive -- Christmas Present also from Urban Threads. I'll try to remember to share the last two later.  

I've been remiss in announcing my Stash Busting (or Enhancing) for October.  Weird that I haven't as I actually figured them in early November.  Nothing to shout about because I brought in more fabric than I used. But the out for the year number is pretty darn good still.


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year









I'm calling it done for this post.  I'm linking up with my normal parties. (Have you noticed I haven't gone back to link up To Do Tuesday for weeks??? I'll keep posting in hopes that one of these days I actually do it.

Oh Scrap!

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday

To Do Tuesday

Happy Quilting All!  Bonnie 



  1. I absolutely mix threads in my machine embroidery! ( For this piece I used regular sewing thread (the gray and some of the black), rayon for the sheen in the white and black, and Sliver for the shiny teal on the wing. I recall going slower when the Sliver was loaded, but I was pleased with the results.

    I haven't tried any tiny embroideries such as yours. There sure is a lot of detail in it!


  2. Your star quilt is so pretty, Bonnie! I love the rainbow effect, and also the lighter to darker layout. And your embroidered shirts for the grands are adorable! My mom used to do that for our kids when they were little, and everyone loved them.

  3. love your rainbow friendship stars! Now I want to make those too for RSC2022!

  4. Love your rainbow friendship stars, Bonnie!!! Perfect border!

  5. Your Friendship Star Quilt is so beautiful and cheerful , Bonnie and darling embroidered shirts. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and happy quilting.

  6. such a pretty and colorful quilt...well done!

  7. I like your RSC pattern, very nice. I'm also working on my plan for 2022.

  8. Love all the embroidered shirts you’ve done in recent years. It would be fun to make a block with each motif as they outgrow the shirts.

  9. I love your friendship Star quilt top. I did that one year for RSC too. The embroideries are so cute. One of my machines does embroidery, but I’ve never gotten into it. And like you, I remember the day JFK was shot. I was at lunch recess playing four-square (ball) with my friends in 4th grade.

  10. What super cute embriodery on the shirts! Great gifts! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Hi Bonnie! I just LOVE the dino embroidered on the t-shirt. How cute!! I just ADORE the RSC quilt. It's so happy and the polka-dot border makes me smile and smile. What a great finish. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. I definitely remember that day. My husband (then boyfriend) and I were standing outside with our friends next to our school building waiting to go back in after lunch when the principal came out and told us. That night our power went out for some reason, which just added to the strangeness, and Mom and Daddy and I had dinner by candlelight. Mom was too upset to finish the blessing and started crying. It was a sad time.
    Your friendship stars quilt is so pretty. What wonderful embroidery! I wish I could embroider like that. My machine has several stitches on it, but everytime I've tried it, it comes out crooked.
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.