
Friday, March 4, 2022

It's a Finish

Having bought enough backing fabric to finish 5 quilts last week I'm working to get as many of them done as I can over the next month or two.  Here's the first one I've finished with my backing purchases at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show.   

I started this Stack N Whack quilt at a guild class in 2016.  I believe I finished the top in the last 2 or 3 years but darn if I remember exactly when. It is from the book by Bethany Reynolds called Magic Stack N Whack. 

If you don't know the method all of the center motifs came from the same fabric as the border.  You buy a LOT of fabric so you can carefully align the designs exactly on top of each other (if I remember correctly, 8 layers of fabric!) Then you carefully cut the triangles from all 8 layers at once. The motifs look different because of where they were cut in the fabric. 

Hum, the grass goes better with the backing than the front of the quilt.  Honestly, there is a little of the duller green in the grape fabric it just isn't obvious because I chose the brighter green for the quilt. (Looking at the above picture the purple really isn't the right color either. It is what I would call aubergine -- or think of a nice burgundy wine...) 

How about a close up of the quilting? 

This quilting design is called Grapevine by My Creative Stitches.  I bought the design long before I was ready to quilt it.  But when I started last weekend I was all for using another pattern.  This was going to take forever.  (To me forever is over 15 minutes a row or so. This was over 30 minutes.) Ruthie, the long arm, is working really well these days so  I was able to spend the 30 minutes piecing.  Does that count as doing 2 things at once? We did 3 rows on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Binding got done on Monday. Boom! It was done. 

You can see how I captured a bit of the purple grapes along with some of the pink grapes in this block.

This motif captured more of the red grapes and some leaves with just the little circle of purple in the middle.  It was fun picking where I was going to  cut the fabric and how they looked when sewn together. 

And here are four more motifs close up.  None of my 9 blocks looked the same. On Monday I shared the very beginning quilting here. It turns out  you can't see the quilting in the motifs nor in the border. But it does show wonderfully in the solid green fabric.  I used Omni thread in a light olive green. You can't see the quilting on the back that well either. 

I'll end my quilt love fest with this quilt by sharing the photo I took of the quilt hanging on the back deck. Talk about a photo going rogue! Or maybe just wrong.  The original has a beautiful blue sky, the quilt doesn't look bright green and... wait that roof beside the house on the right doesn't look like a mountain.  I have no idea where this photo went wrong.  I took it just before I took all the photos except the very first one.  Oh well.  At least this gives a better idea of the size. It is 58" x 58". 

I'm linking up to my regular parties.  Please spend some time visiting these link up parties so you can do some serious blog surfing this weekend! 

This allowed me to check one item on my to do list off this week.  I've got some more work to do but I am making a nice dent in the list. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. Happy Saturday, Bonnie. Such a stunning quilt. I love the green background fabric. My quilt guild did a Stack and Whack quilt years ago. It was fun to learn the technique. Fabulous photo of the quilt on your deck. It is funny how photos can go rogue, but yours looks great. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh Bonnie, that is gorgeous! The Stack N Whack method must be genius with those glorious centers. I love all the colors as well as the backing you chose. And your quilting - beautiful! I love that photo - it's fun!

  3. that is by far the very best stack n whack i've ever seen...i am not a fan of the technique but you have certainly put it over the top...very nice...going in the fcq show i hope

  4. great looking quilt - I never did do a stack and whack - it seems complicated to me lining up all those fabrics just right so never did one

  5. Oh gee that is gorgeous and the perfect quilting to go with it! I have never attempted that kind of stack and whack.

  6. Ohhh SO pretty!! and your quilting motifs are just perfect for this one!!
    I love the stack and whacks - I think they look so cool and the fabrics for this one are amazing!!! Go yoU!!!

  7. That is truly gorgeous and so cheery!

  8. Yes, the green background and aubergine accents are different from the colors of the grapes in the fabric, but it works - stunningly! It’s really a lovely quilt and I think the longer quilting time was worth it to get such a perfect quilting pattern. Super, super job, Bonnie!

  9. Oh, WOW. The flowers are gorgeous and that lime green background is just perfect! Congratulations, Bonnie!


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