
Monday, March 14, 2022

Monday Meanderings 3 - 14 - 2022

We are almost half way through March and I'm trying to figure out where the first two weeks went to!  I know I got things done but wow!  The time sped by.  It is time to share my Goals list from last week.  It was not a great week. 


✅Quilt customer quilt

✅Quilt and bind Marine Looking Glass -- I need to hand stitch the binding down still. 

Make labels & sleeves for 3 quilts going to the Faithful Circle Quilters show

Make 7 more Easy Breezy blocks 

Make March block from Sherri McConnell’s BOM

ARGH!  How did this happen?  I only succeeded with 2 of 5 goals? Hum, could it be the book I was reading?  I got really into it so I let the sewing get sidetracked a bit.  In case you are wondering which book grabbed my attention it was A Duty to the Dead by Charles Todd. It was identified as being fiction, mystery, thriller, and historical fiction.  I was all for it except thriller.  I don't like tense books.  But Pat had read it and thought I might like it.  Eventually, I checked it out and you know what I did... read way too much each day and finished it in a day and a half.  There were some tense moments but not that bad.  The story line is about a WW I nurse who had promised to take a message for a dying soldier to his brother.  I'll leave it at that but it did grab my interest from the beginning. 

Obviously, I let the last 3 items go for various reasons.  But, guess what? You'll see them below for this week's goals. Will I buckle down and get these all done? Or? 


Work on Stop Tossing mystery quilt

Make more Red Spider Web blocks 

Make 7 more Easy Breezy blocks 

Sash the Easy Breezy blocks

Make March block from Sherri McConnell’s BOM 

I was in a quandary last week. I had a group of Easy Breezy blocks that I wanted to get into a quilt rather than just holding on to the blocks any longer.  I quickly realized I needed to figure out some sashing and make more blocks.  Do you audition fabrics for your quilts?  Here's what I did. 

Sashing I -- light grey on the left and darker grey on right. Meh - didn't do anything for me. 

Sashing II -- From left to right - light grey, blue & light green. Hum.

Sashing III --  From L to R - light grey, lighter blue, & blue. for some reason I like the light blue. It seems to brighten up the blocks.  

I imagine before I cut into my nice light blue fabric and after I've made the rest of the Easy Breezy blocks I'll lay them out again to make sure the light blue goes with all the colors.  Looks like I used a lot of yellow in the blocks. I definitely need to spread all the blocks out and see what it looks like. 

Off on another tangent -- remember above and I said we're half way through March.  I haven't mentioned my stash enhancing statistics. (Not that I really want or need to enhance my stash!) But here are the gory details. 


Fabric In Month

Fabric In Year

Fabric Out 


Fabric Out Year

Total In or Out Year







Yep, I went wild buying fabric. I have been trying to finish some of the tops I have hanging in the quilt closet.  If you've been reading my blog for a while you might remember my trip to the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show in February.  Yep that one where I bought 4 yards of wide back and 8 yards of regular fabric.  And, I bought a really cool background fabric for the Stop Tossing mystery.  When I figured the square inches of the wide backs and then converted it back into yardage and added the rest -- it was about 27 yards. (Ok, there were some fat quarters and scraps from my daughter for the red and white spider webs too.) On the other hand, I did finish two quilts.  And for a look to the future I've already quilted 2 quilts in March.  So hopefully it won't be too long before I have used more fabric than I've purchased.  

It seems to me I've been typing way more than normal.  Funny that. I didn't think I had any thing to post about today.  Anyway, it's time to get on with the day (yep, I'm even doing this later than usual!) You know the routine.  Please check out these Linky parties.  You never know when something will catch your eye and you'll have a perfect project for some special fabric in your stash. 
To Do Tuesday 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. The weeks just melt away. You can blame your mid-morning post on the time change. (I was fine Saturday to Sunday, but last night/this morning was rough.) How about auditioning a warm color -- try red or orange. Stevens has read the Todd series and enjoyed them. Have you read the Maisie Dobbs books?

  2. charles todd is actually mother/son...she passed away aug 2021...he also writes ian rutledge mysteries...very good

  3. I like Charles Todd’s books, but I haven’t read one in quite a while. It might be time to remedy that,


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