
Monday, May 23, 2022

Monday Meanderings 5 - 23 - 2022

Great Weekend!  Pat and I went up to Maryland to attend and work at Faithful Circle Quilter's biennial quilt show.  It was suppose to happen in 2020, but you know what happened. Yep, canceled.  But a huge show was held this year.  I don't remember how many quilts there were but I registered mine close to the end and my highest number was 641.  I know mine weren't the last to come in -- I'm guessing more than 650 quilts were hung.  We spent part of Friday and all day Saturday enjoying and working at the show.  

Sunday we went to our daughter's house and had a fast lunch with the whole family. Afterwards, we all went to a local baseball field to watch the oldest grand play.  She made a hit in the first inning.  Yea! What you might not know is the whole weekend was swelteringly hot so we pretty much left immediately. The drive home wasn't too bad.  I just wished the gps didn't tell us it should only take 1 hr and 38 minutes when it almost always takes 2 and a half! We were hot and tired so no blogging was done until Monday. 

Up first is my goals list. Eh, not all that fabulous although there are a lot of check marks.  But further reading shows I barely got things done this week. 


✖️Sash blocks on May UFO no

✅Make Beth’s FCQ Equilter blocks I got some made but want to do more 

✅Make some blocks for SAHRR 1 done

✅Get 3 packages in the mail just 1 

Enjoy quilt show this weekend

I went off the rails, found a squirrel, got distracted.  Whatever you want to call it.  But I decided to make a couple of items to sell at the $10 and under table at the quilt show.  First I made a couple of luggage tags.

These designs are from Designs by JuJu. And, surprise, they are 40% off the rest of this month. Find them here.

And then, I decided I would make one of the key fob designs I have, also from Designs by JuJu.  

I embroidered two but the first one I didn't follow directions.  I forgot to run the entire design before I added the back.  Just look up quilt key fob on the Designs by JuJu and you'll find a nice selection of standard blocks. Surprise! They are on sale too. I may need to make some more of these -- they'd make nice retreat gifts.  

Here's what's on the list for this week. 


Make more blocks for Beth and Fran for FCQ Equilterss

Make some blocks for SAHRR

Sash blocks for May UFO

Work on pyramid class project

Nothing new just trying to finish off a few projects. First priority is the May UFO.  While at the show I was able to nearly finish the last block -- I think I have half a hexagon to sew to the backing. You can see it laid out here. I'll get it done and then hopefully move on to sewing on the sashing.  My original plan is to not add borders but I'll reevaluate after I get the sashing done.  The best part of getting this one done is I actually have a backing fabric for it.  (Which is what I based my fabric selections on and I've had for 25 years or so!) 

I took lots of pictures at the quilt show so I'll be sharing them over the next few weeks. 

It's time to get this posted so you know the drill.  Spend some time checking out these great Linky parties. 

Oh Scrap

Monday Making 

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday 

Mid-Week Makers 

Wednesday Wait Loss

I doubt I'll get a lot done today -- maybe finish sewing the last hexagon down.  

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 


  1. nice you got to a show - it has been nice doing those things again - I have not had a gps be so messed up on time unless there had been delays along the way because of accidents or whatever

  2. The weather was pretty hot over the weekend. It seems to be early this year.
    Thank you for my package, I feel privileged to have got it.
    How wonderful to be able to go to a quilt show.

  3. The show must have been fabulous with all the entries! I hope you’ll share some photos. Love the tags and key fob!

  4. The show must have been inspirational with so many entries. I'm looking forward to seeing some quilts! It's great that you made items for the table sale...home sewing and quilting will wait for you! :)

  5. sorry missed the show...friday was visiting crawleys with my daughter...LOL...and sat way too hot! lovely little projects

  6. Wow, that is a big quilt show! The Long Beach Quilt Show is coming back to LA this year and I hope to get there with my sister. Your embroidery projects look super.

  7. Those are all such cute tags!! Sounds like a great quilt show to see. The Minnesota show is happening this year but is three hours away and with gas prices I am not going.

  8. How fun you got to attend the show. I have been using the maps on my phone for the longest time and usually get it right before GPS does. But Hubs likes to use the truck GPS - says he wants to get his money's worth - lol! I do like the layout you have and look forward to seeing it with sashing. And I'm looking forward to you show photos!
    Thanks for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  9. Love your luggage tags and key fob! Are those done with an embroidery machine? Good luck with your May UFO!

  10. Glad you had a family visit and a quilt show in one trip! The luggage tags will be snapped up at the show.

  11. Hard to read about heat when we're actually cold here (I shouldn't complain, it'll be hot again soon enough!). I love those luggage tags!

  12. How wonderful that you were able to final have your quilt show! It sounds wonderful. Such cute items you made for the sales table! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you're thinking about.