
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Monday Meanderings 7 - 25 - 2022

Are you living where the heat has gone sky high?  The heat has finally arrived in the Mid Atlantic where we live.  We've had a pretty easy summer mostly low 80s to high 80s -- some days with low humidity until this weekend -- 96 and high humidity. Ugh.  It was good to stay in the basement studio this weekend and get some things done.  

Here's what I've done this past week.  


✅Keep working on Picnic Time -- made the backing and a couple of blocks

✅Quilt and bind July UFO -- quilted, no binding yet

✅Look at Halloween blocks and make some more -- see below but no additional blocks were made

Make more red, white, and blue blocks -- done and turned into quilt guild 

Here a sneak peek of the quilt I finished quilting this week. This is the UFO Challenge quilt for July.  I'm tickled with how this came out.  I'll share more photos soon. (Check back Friday to see if I follow through showing all of it.) 

Here's the beginning of the Halloween quilt.  Or at least I hope it will be the beginning of a quilt. Here's all of the blocks I have -- do they make a quilt this way? 

Um, no, I don't like it this way. So below are the blocks broken out by types.  First up the 6" finished blocks.  Hum, lots of the same blocks from Halloween colors and fabrics.  

The blocks below are from top to bottom:  2" squares, 4" blocks, and a 10" block -- all finished sizes.  I think the purple ghost is suppose to be trimmed to 4.5" or 5" or ?  

My thoughts are I need at least one bigger block and then I can use these (or some of these) to surround it along with some sashing or filler.  This "quilt" is one of my UFO Challenge quilts. Luckily, it hasn't been the quilt of the month yet -- I hope to at least have a plan and maybe even a quilt top done before it is. Then all I'd need to do would be to quilt and bind it.  

It was on last week's goals list and you'll find it again on this weeks -- hopefully I can make some plans for it. Here's the rest of my goals for this week. 


Bind Migrating Geese

Keep working on Picnic Time

Make some Halloween blocks and spider blocks 

Quilt and bind one of my quilts 

I sure hope I can make some decent headway on this list.  It would help if I didn't fall into any books this week.  I just finished Book Lovers by Emily Henry.  Loved it and all its references to book publishing and reading.  

Time to link up to some great Linky parties.

Oh Scrap

Monday Making

Design Wall Monday 

To Do Tuesday 

We had an unusual visitor in our kitchen this weekend.  We found this unhappy guy on the wall near the pantry.  Yep, he was on a vertical wall.

Hubby finally figured out how he got into the house.  Our propane tank needed filling so he carried it through the house to the garage. Mr Frog must have jumped off and landed on the wall.  Hubby carefully captured him and set him outside (in the horrible heat.)

That's it for goals this week.  Hope you find some time to check out some of the blogs listed on the Linky parties. 

Happy Quilting All! Bonnie 



  1. funny seeing a frog in the house I'm sure - I have caught a lizard in the house! that was startling because I thought it was a snake at first - lizards I can handle! Sorry the heat has spread out to you - we have had it for 6 weeks at least now will have a temporary reprieve for the weekend and rain possibly and then hot again.

  2. We had hot and humid and thankfully this week is upper 70-80 and lower humidity(I think). Yesterday was beautiful with windows open. You have come a long way on your July UFO challenge, looking forward to seeing the finish.

  3. It's been hot here but more importantly we finally got some rain. 3.84" in our town, 6" to the south of us. Your Halloween quilt is going to be terrific!

  4. Pretty leafy quilting!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the reveal on Friday!!! We have a lot of those little frogs in our yard right now, but have never found one inside!?!

  5. I NEVER know when to mention a mistake in piecing, but...

    Part of the "moon" is stuck to the bat's ear. Once there's a solid yellow section in the upper left of that block, the presence of the bat will leap out.

    It does look like a fun project, though!

  6. The Halloween blocks are delightful: I love the purple block with the witch’s legs. LOL, the frog looks content just hanging out from the heat. Temperatures have been in the 90s here which is very uncommon. I hope things level out soon and return to the “normal” low 80s.

  7. Your Halloween blocks make me smile. Differently sized blocks make the piecing a challenge or you cold say that you will be Improvising the Patchwork with coping strips and filler blocks. Good luck with your goals. I don't blame the frog; high heat can make so many of us climb walls :-D

  8. OK - I'll admit I would have totally freaked out if I'd found a frog inside my house! Shudder!! You Halloween project is going to be so cute with all of the different pieces coming together. Great job!

  9. I like those plaids on your sneak peek. The Halloween blocks look like fun to figure out - like fitting a puzzle. Love the cat and the ghost, and are those witches legs? :D Mr Frog was probably sad about leaving your house for the heat. I've trapped and released two spiders this week. Almost hate to put them into the oven that is our outside.
    Thank you for joining with us at To Do Tuesday!

  10. Love seeing the Halloween projects popping up!
    We have a little climbing frog this year as well--haven't seen on in years. They're so cute! YES, it has been brutal hot here (100+) but tonight the rains and cooler temps are supposed to be moving in. Hopefully it's in time because there's already a lot of dead around here!

  11. That's a nice leaf pattern you are using. And I rather like the scattered look of your Halloween quilt. Poor froggy, glad he was safely returned to his natural habitat.


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